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 Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)

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Nombre de messages : 21468
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptyLun 7 Sep 2015 - 12:25

Sur Tony Poe


Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp11110

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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptyLun 7 Sep 2015 - 13:04

Sur Robert K. Brown


Lebanon Daily News

14 okt 1974

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Charleston Daily Mail

10 sep 1975

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Brown310

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Independent Record

7 mrt 1976

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Brown510
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Northwest Arkansas Times

29 mrt 1977

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Brown710

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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptyLun 7 Sep 2015 - 13:32




Published: September 23, 1984

LAS VEGAS, Nev. Sept. 21— If the presence of American mercenaries opposing Communists in Central America becomes an international issue, no one would appear to be happier about it than those who are doing the guerrilla training and occasional fighting.

They say that, as far as they are concerned, fighting Communism is something America has lost the stomach for, and if it takes a few freelance fighters to show the way, so be it.

''I keep saying, the only reason we're down there is because the Congress won't let anyone else do the job,'' Robert K. Brown, publisher of Soldier of Fortune, declared. ''If Washington would get its act together we wouldn't have to do it for them.''

Mr. Brown's glossy monthly magazine is full of articles about lethal weapons and military adventure. Its circulation of 200,000 has made it possible for Mr. Brown to put his publication's hearty anti-Communist message into practice by sending half a dozen military training teams, made up of veterans like himself, to train the Salvadoran Army in what he asserts are skills neglected by the 55-man United States military training team in El Salvador. The magazine pays to send its volunteers, who teach the Salvadoran Army infantry tactics and the use of weapons in the Salvadoran Government's fight against leftist insurgents. Theme of Duty Taken Up

Soldier of Fortune held its fifth annual convention here this week, and the theme of duty neglected and taken up again was a main topic among the nearly 1,000 men wearing baggy combat fatigues, grisly knives and jungle boots who strode among the bored blackjack dealers and people feeding slot machines in the Hotel Sahara casino.

''From the response we've had, we could get 1,000 of these guys down there to fight right now,'' said Thomas Posey, a founder and leader of Civilian Military Assistance, an effort to train and supply rebels operating out of Honduras against the Sandinista Government of Nicaragua.

Interest in unofficial United States help to anti-Communists in Central America in general and Mr. Posey in particular reached a new level recently with the shooting down of a rebel helicopter inside Nicaragua on Sept. 1. Two Americans and one rebel in the helicopter were killed.

Mr. Posey said his group was unrelated to Soldier of Fortune magazine. He was attending the convention only at the invitation of Mr. Brown, to receive posthumous awards for patriotism on behalf of the two American men killed in the downing of the helicopter, James Powell and Dana Parker, Both Were Vietnam-Era Pilots

The two, both Vietnam era pilots, were members of Mr. Posey's group, and their deaths brought widespread speculation in Washington and elsewhere about whether the Central Intelligence Agency was backing mercenaries' involvement in the region.

But like Mr. Brown, Mr. Posey rejected the notion of any Federal involvement in his group's efforts in Central America.

''Everybody says 'C.I.A., C.I.A.' like we couldn't do this by ourselves,'' Mr. Posey said.

''If the people in Washington would draw a line across the map and say, 'This is where Communism stops,' I'd go along with that,'' he went on. ''But nobody's done that yet, so we're the ones who are drawing the line. We're the ones making a stand.''

The founding of Civilian Military Assistance in a restaurant in Decatur, Ala., 13 months ago was the culmination of years of such expressions of frustration. Like Mr. Posey, all of the half-dozen founders were members of National Guard units in the Deep South and Vietnam veterans in their 30's or 40's still seething over the victory by Hanoi. They were men of ordinary lives and extraordinarily fierce anti-Communist feelings.

''We had been running into each other at meetings and kind of talking about doing something,'' said Mr. Posey, a wiry, blue-eyed man who owns a wholesale produce business in Decatur and who has a stomach ulcer that he nurses on coffee and cigarettes. 'We Decided to Send Me'

''Then when the Russians shot down Flight 007, and we knew nobody was going to do anything about it, we decided to chip in and send me to San Salvador to see what we could do.''

From San Salvador Mr. Posey went to Honduras and finally got in touch with the rebels of the Nicaraguan Democratic Force. He soon began delivering them supplies, mostly clothing.

Mr. Posey insists that everything his organization did was above board.

''We said from the very beginning we were going to do everything legally,'' he said. ''We talked to the customs department, we talked to the post office, we spent three hours being investigated by the F.B.I.,'' he said. ''The only question was about sending them weapons and ammo, but since we didn't have the money for that, it didn't matter anyway.''

The two men killed in the helicopter were teaching takeoffs and landings to the Nicaraguan rebel pilot at a base near the border, Mr. Posey said, when they suddenly took off into Nicaragua to answer a call for help. Mr. Posey said he assumed they were answering a call from rebels who, the Government in Managua said, were attacking a training camp at Santa Clara.

Mr. Posey denies that the men took part in the fight. Perhaps mindful of the fears in many Americans' minds about sending troops into another guerrilla quagmire like Vietnam, others at the convention echoed this theme, asserting that the anti-Communists merely needed training. 'They Have Fighters'

''They don't need guys to go down there and fight for them,'' said Dale Dye, a Marine Corps veteran and executive editor of Soldier of Fortune. ''They have fighters. What they need is our skills in training nonprofessional soldiers to fight.''

Mr. Dye recently returned from one of the magazine-sponsored training missions to El Salvador, where he helped teach Salvadoran troops to use the 60-millimeter mortar given them by the United States.

''They didn't even know you can fire a mortar at night,'' he said. ''I spent 20 years in the Marine Corps and I don't think I've ever had a more rewarding time in my life than when I could see the lights go on in these guys' minds when somebody finally explained to them how to use these weapons.''

Only a handful of the men at the convention were involved in the Central American fighting, however. Many were like Bill Stone of Denver, a carpenter and Marine Corps veteran.

''These guys are more fun than the V.F.W., they're more gung-ho,'' he remarked cheerfully. ''We thought it would be fun to slip on the old cammies and come on down and drink some beer and yell a lot, and that's all we're doing. As far as fighting in El Salvador, forget it!''

''Cammies'' are the camouflaged jungle wear favored by the conventioneers for casino wear.

_ _ _ _ _


European Stars And Stripes

7 nov 1984

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp22210

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Nombre de messages : 21468
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptyJeu 1 Oct 2015 - 9:08


Member, Tony Poshepny, RIP July 03, was the model for Col Kurtz in Appocalpse Now. The writer / producer told me so soon after the movie came out and others were trying to claim that unique distinction.
-- Post Cmdr Fred Platt

Here we are 1982 presenting Tony with his China Post 1 flag, at the Five Sisters Restaurant in Udorn.

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp12110

He'll be missed by friends and our stories about him will be told again and again so that he isn't ever forgotten. But stories about him will ALSO be told by his enemies for years to come. That's something unique.

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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptyDim 10 Jan 2016 - 14:07

("VC" = Viet Cong)

The Craft We Chose: My Life in the CIA
Par Richard Holm

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp12110


Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp12210


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Il faut relire ce qui concerne l'arrivée de Richard Holm en Belgique...

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Ho12110
Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Ho12210

Pour rappel, les attaques de Braine l'Alleud et Overijse se sont déroulées le 27 septembre 1985. Mon hypothèse est que Tony Poe y a participé (voir les portraits-robots) et a été exfiltré via Chièvres (voir le témoignage de Joël Lhost).

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Ho12410
Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Ho12510


Geoffrey Swaebe, très proche de Ronald Reagan, était aussi une bonne connaissance de André Leysen (Gevaert), lui-même lié à du Monceau de Bergendal (GIB).

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Nombre de messages : 270
Date d'inscription : 19/08/2011

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptyDim 10 Jan 2016 - 17:28

André Leysen. Ex-SS. Revoilà les collabos. Lié au baron de Launoit et ses putchistes.(cfr André Moyen). Liens Degrelle, Skorzeny (Paladins, Aginter Presse...)
Leysen lié aux gros chemistes allemands Agfa-Bayer ( filiale de IG Farben). Marié à la fille de Herwig Ahlers, Deutscher Verwalter pendant la guerre.
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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptyDim 10 Jan 2016 - 17:47

En effet ...


Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Ss12110



By Julia Flynn and James Pressley Staff Reporters of The Wall Street Journal
Updated Feb. 23, 2000 12:01 a.m. ET


Over the years, in fact, Mr. Leysen has become something of an insider in Germany. He currently serves on the boards of Bayer AG, Deutsche Telekom AG, and Veba AG, and until late last year spent more than a decade as a member of Deutsche Bank's advisory board. "He knows Germany's corporate culture particularly well," says Rolf-E. Breuer, chairman of Deutsche Bank. "He is an old friend of ours."


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Met weloverwogen lichtzinnigheid: de biografie van André Leysen
Par Jan Bohets

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Gs12110

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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptyVen 29 Jan 2016 - 8:54


Looking Back at Forty Years of 'Soldier of Fortune'

Maxim chats with Lieutenant Colonel Robert K. Brown about his Journal of Professional Adventurers.

Maxim Staff   · Jan 25, 2016


Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Rkb10


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(...)  Before the election of 1960, a group within the Christian Right plotted to kill John Kennedy in Van Nuys, California while he was still a candidate. The group was a meld of anti-Castro Cubans, Minutemen and home-grown nazis. Some were sought by Jim Garrison, following his arrest of Clay Shaw, for testimony before the New Orleans grand jury. When Garrison forwarded extradition papers for Edgar Eugene Bradley, a member of the group, Governor Ronald Reagan refused to sign them.

    The leader of one of these groups, the Christian Defense League (CDL), was the Reverend William P. Gale. During the war Gale had been an Army colonel in the Philippines training guerilla bands. His superior officer was Willoughby. By the late 1950s Gale was recruiting veterans for his "Identity" group, which was financed by a wealthy Los Angeles man.

    One of the CDL's contacts was Captain Robert K. Brown, a special forces professional from Fort Benning, Georgia. Brown was working with anti-Castro Cubans, mercenaries similar to Skorzeny's teams. Brown is now publisher of Soldier of Fortune magazine and paramilitary texts such as Silencers, Snipers, and Assassins. The book explains how Mitchell WerBell made special weapons for the CIA, Bay of Pigs assault squads and other customers. WerBell, son of a wealthy Czarist cavalry officer, perfected a silencer so effective a gun can be shot in one room and not heard in the next. It is ideal for assassinations.  (...)

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Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Ssa10

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(...)  In 1967 he partnered with Gordon B. Ingram inventor of the MAC-10 submachine gun. They added WerBell's suppressor to Ingram's machinegun and attempted to market it to the U.S. military as "Whispering Death" for use in the Vietnam War.[8] WerBell is credited with over 25 different suppressor designs and the "WerBell Relief Valve, a mechanism designed for machinegun suppressors.[4] WerBell's modular designs and use of exotic materials such as titanium in sound suppressors have an impact on their design to the present day.[4]

SIONICS was absorbed by the company MAC (Military Armament Corporation) and later called Cobray where WerBell developed a training center for counterterrorism in the 1970s. The courses lasted 11 weeks and students included members of the military, high-risk executives, CIA agents, and private individuals.[6] WerBell concurrently ran Defense Systems International, an arms brokerage firm.  (...)

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(...)  A related incident also occurred that April. Los Angeles physician Dr. Stanley Drennan approached Captain Robert K. Brown, who was also involved in anti-Castro activities during this period, stated that "while at Drennan's home, Drennan stated in general conversation that he could not do it, but what the organization needed was a group of young men to get rid of Kennedy and the Cabinet…Brown stated that he considered the remark crackpot; however …he gained the impression that Drennan had been propositioning him on this matter. Drennan, a member of the National States Rights Party and associate of William Gale." Drennan complained in a letter to Dean Clarence Manion, a prominent member of the John Birch Society, that on June 10, 1963 two Secret Service agents visited two of his friends at 7:30 am to inquire about his "patriotism, integrity, dependability, and emotional and mental stability. These people were twenty miles East of my dwelling while I was only two miles from where the President was riding in an open convertible sitting high on the back of the seat."[23]


[23] Letter from Drennan to Clarence Manion dated July 20, 1963.

_ _ _

Je me demande ce que l'armurier Daniel Dekaise aurait à dire à ce sujet ...


De même pour Robert Gray ...


(...)   Robert Keith Gray, head of Hill and Knowlton's Washington office for three decades, used to brag about checking major decisions personally with CIA director William Casey, whom he considered a close personal friend.   (...)


Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Gray10




Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Bg10

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptyMar 19 Avr 2016 - 15:08

Sur John K. Singlaub :


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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptyVen 29 Avr 2016 - 9:32


Richard Lee Armitage


After the end of the Vietnam War Armitage moved to Washington, D.C., to serve as a consultant for the United States Department of Defense. He was almost immediately sent to serve in Tehran, Iran, until November 1976. Following that posting, he moved to Bangkok and operated an import/export business in the private sector for the next two years. Burmese warlord Khun Sa later identified Armitage as one of the key responsibles for the CIA's alleged heroin trafficking from the Golden Triangle during that time (alongside CIA officers Jerry Daniels and Theodore Shackley).[9][10]

9.   Francis W. Belanger (1989). Drugs, the U.S., and Khun Sa. Editions Duang Kamol. p. 109.
10. Khun Sa: His Own Story and His Thoughts. 1992. p. 69.


_ _ _


(...) The Hunt for Khun Sa goes behind the curtain of the Southeast Asian heroin trade to show the historical grounding of the CIA's involvement in global drug trafficking, how monsters like Khun Sa are created in the first place, and the real-life consequences of Machiavellian geopolitical schemes on the lives of everyday Americans.

Le livre est sur Google. Voici un passage où Khun Sa mentionne Shackley et Armitage, dans une lettre à Reagan :


Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Sasa10

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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptyVen 20 Mai 2016 - 21:28

Il est question de Guillaume Vogeleer ("Jimmy the Belgian") à la fin de l'article...

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp010

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 5:52

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 6:07

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 6:28

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 6:52

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 10:06

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 10:28

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 10:32

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 10:39

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 10:58

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 11:04

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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 11:29

L'acronyme "IRIS" apparaît dans le schéma de Libert.

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp16110

Un explication possible (mais il faudrait avoir les dates exactes) :

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp16310

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp16210

Il en est question dans

Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New ...
Par Greg Grandin

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp17010

Mother Jones Magazine août-sept. 1985

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp17110
Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Tp17210

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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

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MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 13:44

The Central America Fact Book
Tom Barry, Deb Preusch
Grove Press, 1986 - 357 pages

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Iris10

_ _ _

The New Right Humanitarians
Tom Barry, Deb Preusch, Beth Sims
Resource Center, 1986 - 66 pages

Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) Boulder, CO Principals: John Singlaub, Alexander MS. McColl (director), Robert Brown, William Guthrie, Tom Reisinger. Founded by Singlaub, and headed by McColl, this private training ...

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Iris310

_ _ _

ISLA, Volume 29
I.S.L.A., 1984
Clippings of Latin American political, social and economic news from various English language newspapers.

Alexander M.S. McColl, military affairs editor of Soldier of Fortune Magazine and director of the institute, was in El Salvador last weekend to meet with officials to discuss possible technical assistance programs. Singlaub headed a panel that ...

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Iris210

_ _ _

Contra Terror in Nicaragua: Report of a Fact-finding Mission, September 1984 ...
Par Reed Brody

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 As1110

_ _ _

Plus ancien :

Infantry - Volume 63,Numéros 4 à 66
Infantry School (U.S.), ‎United States Army Infantry School, ‎United States Army Infantry School. Editorial and Pictorial Office - 1973  ‎

.. the defense of our country and the security of the Free World. X. An OCS graduate of the Field Artillery School, MAJOR ALEXANDER M.S. McCOLL is now a USAR Mobilization Designee at the JFK Center for Military Assistance, Fort Bragg.

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Nombre de messages : 21468
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 14:20

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Al110

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Al210

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Al310
Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Al410

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Nombre de messages : 21468
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge)   Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 EmptySam 21 Mai 2016 - 14:39

Une autre interprétation de "IRIS" est développée dans


IRIS serait l'acronyme de "International Reporting Information System".

On le retrouve dans

New International Dictionary of Acronyms in Library and Information Science ...
Par Henryk Sawoniak,Maria Witt

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Iri10

Dictionary of Information Technology
publié par Dennis Longley,Michael Shain

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Ir1110

Communication and Conflict: Studies in International Relations
Par Jörg Becker

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Ir310

Cette interprétation (qui me semble un peu tirée par les cheveux) est reprise par René Haquin :

Des Taupes dans L'Extreme-Droite La Surete de l'Etat et le WNP

Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) - Page 4 Ir510

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