| Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) | |
+17EStaedtler pami75 Hubert Bonisseur de La Ba totor flanby UncleHo bernard1957 alain CS1958 pierre Henry K dim Kranz Hoho Et In Arcadia Ego HERVE 21 participants | |
Auteur | Message |
Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Ven 7 Fév 2014 - 12:23 | |
| Pour en revenir à Higdon, cité plus haut : Il y avait à Bruxelles un agent CIA-DEA nommé Paul Higdon qui quittera la Belgique pour ne pas être impliqué dans le procès du commandant Léon François. Il deviendra le n°2 de Interpol. _ _ _ Je me demande s'il y a un lien avec : http://oli1985.blogspot.be/search?q=Higdon (...) Although Casey flew to Manila, along with U.S. Treasury Secretary Donald Regen, CIA economist Professor Higdon and an attorney, Lawrence Kreager, to give Marcos a “last chance”, the Philippine nationalist would not buckle. Higdon told Marcos that he would be out of power “in two weeks” for not appeasing the international banking houses and their agents in the American administration. The Seagraves report that a source close to Marcos advised them that Marcos was then approached by an emissary from David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission asking Marcos to contribute $54 billion in gold bullion to a so-called “global development fund”. Marcos’ response was to consign the Trilateral demand into a waste basket. (...) _ _ _ Si l'on en croit : http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/secretgoldtreaty/letter_appendix8.htm le prénom n'est pas le même... (...) In 1983-84, we have evidence of another transaction involving a minimum 62,000 MT up to a maximum of 81,000 MT negotiated with Frank Higdon, another reported CIA intermediary (Investment loans offered to the Philippine Government which is repayable with 62,321 MT of gold bars is enclosed as Annex D). The stock for this appears to be the 62,000 MT in 4 locations in mainland America plus the 18,300 MT in Citibank, New York. _ _ _ C'est intéressant quand même si on connaît l'implication de John Singlaub dans la chasse au "trésor de guerre nippon" aux Philippines ... http://fr.scribd.com/doc/108969413/Singlaub-s-Private-Army-Philippines _ _ _ A noter que Higdon est cité à plusieurs autres reprises dans http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/S%20Disk/Souetre%20Jean%20with%20aka's/Item%2015.pdf |
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Ven 7 Fév 2014 - 14:17 | |
Un lecteur attentif me précise ce qui suit ...
Pour ce qui est de la "chasse au trésor" menée par Singlaub aux Philippines à la fin des années 1980, des chercheurs de l'époque ont démontré qu'il s'agissait d'une couverture pour son implication dans les opérations de contre-insurrection anticommuniste (contacts avec la droite et l'extrême-droite locale, recrutement de mercenaires pour entraîner l'armée philippine, soutien aux escadrons de la mort).
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Ven 7 Fév 2014 - 14:32 | |
| Sur Paul Higdon : (...) _ _ _ _ _ _ |
| | | Henry
Nombre de messages : 2475 Date d'inscription : 08/04/2007
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Ven 7 Fév 2014 - 16:16 | |
| Dans son livre "Les nouveaux mercenaires" paru aux éditions France Empire, le Major Siegfried Mueller, parle plusieurs fois de Charles Mazy, il y raconte notamment certaines opérations ou Charles Mazy est considéré comme un homme très courageux, tout le contraire d'une tête brûlée. |
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Ven 7 Fév 2014 - 16:40 | |
| Il semble y avoir eu des contacts (au moins financiers) entre John Singlaub et un certain Charles Keating, dont il a été beaucoup question lors du scandale "Savings and Loan" dans les années 1980 :
Charles Keating avait obtenu le soutien de 5 sénateurs, les "Keating Five" (Alan Cranston - California, John Glenn - Ohio, Donald W. Riegle Jr. - Michigan, Dennis DeConcini - New Mexico et John McCain - Arizona). Le lien avec John McCain a bien entendu été rappelé lors de la campagne électorale qui opposait ce dernier à Barack Obama.
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Ven 7 Fév 2014 - 22:17 | |
| Dans le schéma de Libert, il est question de "Iris", relié à Paul Latinus ... Une hypothèse sur ce "Iris"... http://frankdux.net/frankdux/thefacts/didyouknow.htm (...) In an Oct 5,1986 interview on "60 Minutes," General John Singlaub acknowledged that he and Lt. Col. Oliver North worked together to establish the Nicaraguan contra supply network. · The USCWF and Soldier of Fortune magazine established a private training academy for Salvadoran police forces and Nicaraguan contras. Located in Boulder, Colorado, the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) was headed by Alexander McColl, the military affairs editor of Soldier of Fortune magazine (11) · Colonel Robert K. Brown who is the owner publisher of Soldier of Fortune magazine and a former subordinate of Singlaub in Vietnam, invested $500,000 in Freedom Marine. In December 1985 Freedom Marine sold three "stealth boats" to USCWF for $125,000. The hulls of the boats had been reinforced for machine gun mounts. In Honduras the coastal re-supply system for rebels inside Nicaragua utilized three "stealth boats. "(7) Bruce Jones, former CIA liaison to the contras in Costa Rica, worked for USCWF in Tucson. (11) · The Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) enabled General John Singlaub, Colonel Robert K. Brown and Colonel Alexander McColl to recruit for the Contras and Salvadorian Police mercenary’s “freedom fighters.” As exposed in the Dux book most of these “freedom fighters” turn out to be opportunists affiliated with hate groups - the Ku Klux Clan, Neo-Nazi and fascist organizations, like WACL (which is headed by Singlaub). · These IRIS recruited mercenaries, fit the profile of the former Phoenix Operator Dux identifies in his book, as Fish; which Frank Dux pursued and “dispatched to justice.” Ending the mercenary’s war crimes and tenure as a contract agent for Latin American death squads, in late 1987. In all likelihood, “Fish” was well known to Colonel Robert Brown, Colonel Alexander McColl and General John Singlaub. (...) _ _ _ _ Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New ...Par Greg Grandin _ _ _ _ Il est aussi question d'un "IRIS" dans le livre de David Teacher : http://fr.scribd.com/doc/84908835/Rogue-Agents-D-Teacher-2011 et dans Des Taupes dans L'Extreme-Droite La Surete de l'Etat et le WNPPar René Haquin Cette dernière hypothèse est sans doute la meilleure ... |
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Ven 7 Fév 2014 - 22:54 | |
Il est question de Paul Higdon (DEA, CIA, Interpol ... voir ce qu'en dit François Raes) dans
Un lecteur attentif s'interroge sur la source : EIR / Executive Intelligence Review, une revue "larouchiste" (liée au conspirationniste populiste Lyndon La Rouche, qui a des liens ambigus avec le gouvernement US et aussi avec l'extrême-droite)
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 8 Fév 2014 - 13:45 | |
Les liens entre Charles Keating et John Singlaub, dont il a été question plus haut, sont plus serrés que je ne le pensais.
Voici ce qu'un lecteur attentif me fait parvenir :
J. Walter Bush Securities The principal syndicating agent for MDC Holdings and other publicly traded corporations was none other than Phoenix-based J. Walter Bush Securities, located in the Lincoln Savings and Loan Plaza.
General John K. Singlaub In that same building across from J. Walter Bush Securities was the office of General John K Singlaub and his infamous World Anti-Communist League which became involved in laundering money through Lincoln Savings and Loan vis-à-vis proceeds of Oliver North’s illegal weapons transactions. Charlie Keating had his office across the hall from General Singlaub and Walter Bush.
General Singlaub and General Secord as well as other notable Iran-Contra figures were in turn able to buy very luxurious homes in Lincoln Savings & Loan financed development in McLaren Ranch in Phoenix. They were able to buy homes for about 20 cents on the dollar. By the way, “Reverend” Sun Young Moon also raised money for Singlaub’s Anti Communist League in South Korea through wealthy conservative South Koreans who were members of Moon’s church.
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 8 Fév 2014 - 17:18 | |
En lisant ce qui suit, il faut se souvenir de la présence de "La Vega" dans le schéma de Paul latinus. Il s'agit très probablement de César de la Vega, ambassadeur d'Argentine à Paris ...
The Iran-Contra Connection: Secret Teams and Covert Operations in Reagan Era by Jonathan Marshall, Peter Dale Scott, Jane Hunter [1987]
(...) Singlaub, WACL, and LaRouche
In the light of WACL's subsequent importance to the Reagan policy of supporting the contras, it is significant that the approaches of Cline and Singlaub to WACL began before the 1980 election. Singlaub and Cline were the logical team to consolidate the Reagan-WACL alliance, since their acquaintance with WACL's members and drug-financed intrigues went back to the 1950s, if not earlier. Singlaub had first met Cline, along with four future backers of CIA-Cuban operations (Howard Hunt, Paul Helliwell, Lucien Conein and Mitch WerBell) in a small OSS mission at Kunming in China, at the very center of the World War II KMT drug traffic. According to the Wall Street Journal, OSS payments at this base were frequently made with five-pound shipments of opium. The sixth and most mysterious of these men, Mitch WerBell, would himself be indicted on drug smuggling charges in 1976, two years before he began an extended and little-noticed relationship with John Singlaub and Lyndon LaRouche. (...)
(...) The Strategy of Tension: CAL, P-2, Drugs, and the Mafia
Reports linking WACL to drugs became particularly flagrant in the period 1976-80, as the rift between WACL and Carter's CIA widened, and as a new Argentine-dominated affiliate of WACL in Latin America (the Confederacion Anticomunista Latina, or CAL) plotted to extirpate radical Roman Catholic priests and prelates fostering liberation theology.
A high-point or low-point of the CAL plotting was reached in 1980, when Argentine officers, bankrolled by the lords of Bolivia's cocaine traffic, installed the Bolivian drug dictatorship of Luis Garcia Meza. Two of the Argentine officers involved turned out to be wanted Italian terrorists, Stefano delle Chiaie and Pierluigi Pagliai; together with the veteran Nazi fugitive and drug trafficker Klaus Barbie, the neo-fascists seized the radio station as a signal to launch the coup.
Barbie and delle Chiaie were both deeply involved in the CAL project to identify and exterminate leftists and radical priests. Through this project delle Chiaie had advised d'Aubuisson by 1979; and at the September 1980 meeting of CAL in Argentina, delle Chiaie and d'Aubuisson met and arranged for weapons and money to be sent to d'Aubuisson in El Salvador.
(...) What was being brokered at the September 1980 CAL Conference was nothing less than an "Argentine solution" of death squad dictatorships from Buenos Aires to Guatemala City. The inspiration and direction of this scheme was however not just Argentine, but truly international, involving the Italo-Argentine secret Masonic Lodge P-2 (of which General Suarez Mason was a member), and possibly through them the financial manipulations by insiders of the Milan Banco Ambrosiano and Vatican Bank.
(...) After 1974, when the right-wing "strategists of tension" lost critical support with the ending of the Greek, Portuguese, and Spanish dictatorships, they appear to have looked increasingly for new friendly governments in Latin America. Delle Chiaie began to work for Chile's service DINA in 1975, the first contacts having been made through Aginter by Michael Townley, who would later murder Letelier with the help of CORU Cubans for DINA. (Delle Chiaie is said to have come from South America to Miami in 1982, with a Turkish leader of the fascist Grey Wolves who was a friend of the Pope's assassin Mehmet Agca.)
(...) The CAL/P-2 connection was and remains a drug connection as well. The terrorist delle Chiaie has been accused of ties to some of the French Connection heroin merchants who had relocated to Italy; while CAL Chairman Suarez Mason, according to the Italian magazine Panorama, became "one of Latin America's chief drug traffickers."
This Latin American WACL drug connection appears to have been originally put together by former Argentine Interior Minister Jose Lopez Rega, a P-2 member and Gelli intimate who was responsible for restoring Peron to power in 1973 and arranging for European experts in "dirty war" tactics to launch death squad tactics against the terrorist left. Lopez-Rega was later said to have been directly involved with other P-2 members in the Argentine-Paraguayan cocaine traffic, and to have used French members of the Ricord drug network as terrorists for his underground AAA (Alianza Argentina Anticomunista). Ex-CIA Cuban exile terrorists involved in the drug traffic also worked with the AAA, as well as for Somoza.
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 9 Fév 2014 - 3:13 | |
(...) Singlaub testified he later spoke with CIA director Casey on two occasions about Studley and how her company, GeoMiliTech, had handled the contra arms deal. Singlaub said he set up a meeting between Casey and Studley in December 1985. Casey and Singlaub had known each other since World War II, when they worked together on covert operations. (...)
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 9 Fév 2014 - 3:55 | |
By 1982 Barry Seal was bringing in drugs to the United States on behalf of the Medellin Cartel. He established a base at Mena airport in Arkansas. Seal told friends that he once made $1.5 million on a single cocaine flight. Seal worked directly for Sonia Atala, the CIA protected drug baron (Michael Levine, The Big White Lie: The CIA and the Cocaine/Crack Epidemic). To carry out these flights, Seal obtained two new multi-million dollar Beech Craft King Air 200s. According to Daniel Hopsicker, these aircraft were purchased by a Phoenix-based corporation that acted as a "front" for John Singlaub.
_ _ _
Throughout 1982, Democrats, fearing that President Reagan was pushing the United States into another Vietnam-style quagmire, tried to cut off aid to the Contras. It was precisely at this time, the height of CIA Director Bill Casey's frenetic efforts to ward off these Congressional efforts, that Barry Seal acquired use of not one but several brand new Beech Craft King Air 200s. Ownership of the planes had been deliberately obscured through a number of convoluted transactions involving Phoenix-based corporations suspected of being "fronts" for General John Singlaub's "Enterprise" activities. Based in Phoenix, Arizona, Retired Major General Singlaub organized in early 1982 an American chapter of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), called the United States Council for World Freedom (USCWF), with a loan from Taiwan. Funding for Seal's planes would come from sources close to those efforts.
"Jack" Singlaub had a long history of involvement in covert operations, beginning with service in the World War II Office of Strategic Services (OSS). He had served as CIA Desk Officer for China in 1949 and Deputy Chief of Station in South Korea during the Korean War, and during the Vietnam War he commanded the Special Operations Group Military Assistance Command, Vietnam--Studies and Observation Group (MACVSOG), which participated in the CIA's Operation Phoenix assassination program.
Singlaub's efforts, and Seal's as well, had been necessitated by the shocking scandals of the 1970s combined with drastic reductions in "official" CIA capabilities in the Carter years. Until then, the CIA. had controlled a huge network of planes, pilots and companies for use in paramilitary situations. But with the end of the Vietnam War and the public revulsion at disclosures of out of control CIA covert operations, many of those assets (such as the infamous Air America) were dissolved or sold off.
Consequently, when the Reagan Administration sought to expand covert paramilitary operations in Central America and elsewhere, the Agency was forced to rebuild much of its capabilities illegally, relying frequently on outside assets, usually retained under contract, like Barry Seal. The Contra war put everything into high gear.
The CIA and the Army jointly agreed to set up a special aviation operation called "Seaspray," New York Times reporter Seymour Hersh revealed in 1987. [This was old news to local and state police in affected areas. Cops had already seen the cynical (and perhaps intentional) manipulation of this operation flooding America with a river of drugs. When law enforcement authorities debriefed convicted "drug smuggler" Seal in late 1985, one of the cops present brusquely began by stating, "We already know about Seaspray."]
Who's In Charge Here ?
By Seymour M. Hersh; Seymour M. Hersh's most recent book, ''The Target Is Destroyed,'' was published in paperback last month by Vintage Books. Published: November 22, 1987
In March 1981, Longhofer's unit went operational. The Army and the C.I.A. agreed to set up a special aviation company, called Seaspray. Only a few of the senior Army generals were briefed on the new unit, which was formally endorsed in writing a week later by Vessey and John H. Stein, deputy director of operations at the C.I.A. Seaspray's unmarked helicopters, specially adapted Hughes 500D's, were to operate out of Fort Eustis, Va.
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 9 Fév 2014 - 6:25 | |
| Sur Barry Seal : http://www.madcowprod.com/2013/11/20/barry-seal-the-cias-secret-camp-in-lacombe-the-jfk-assassination/ http://www.madcowprod.com/2013/11/22/barry-seal-the-dallas-get-away-plane-the-jfk-assassination/ |
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 9 Fév 2014 - 7:15 | |
| http://www.afrocubaweb.com/news/northwoods/northwoods.htm (...) Major General John Singlaub (ret) [of Coca Contra fame] and Lieutenant General Daniel Graham (ret.) co-chaired the American Security Council's Coalition for Peace Through Strength (CPTS). (1,3) William Van Cleave, George Keegan, Sen. Robert Dole, and Sen. Paul Laxa lt have also served as co-chairs of CPTS. Other individuals of note who have served with the CPTS include former members of Team B, a pro-military, anti-Soviet team that went on to form the Committee on the Present Danger. These include retired head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Lyman Lemnitzer; former U. S. ambassador Clare Booth Luce; father of the hydrogen bomb Edward Teller; physicist Eugene Wigner and Charles Burton Marshall, a close friend of ultra-hawk arms negotiator Paul H. Nitze _ _ _ Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican PartyPar Russ Bellant _ _ _ http://digitalcollections.library.cmu.edu/awweb/awarchive?type=file&item=690474 _ _ _ http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKlemnitzer.htm (...) After retiring from the army he was a member of the American Security Council (ASC), the lobby for the military-industrial complex. The ASC was formed by Robert Wood and Robert R. McCormick in 1955. Other members of this organization included Douglas MacArthur, Sam Rayburn, Ray S. Cline, Thomas J. Dodd, W. Averell Harriman, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Eugene V. Rostow, John G. Tower and Patrick J. Frawley. (...) http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKamericansc.htm The American Security Council (ASC) was established by Robert Wood, chairman and president of Sears, Roebuck & Company, and Robert R. McCormick, of the Chicago Tribune, in 1955. Wood and McCormick started the ASC because they believed that the United States had lost the Korean War because of communist infiltrators. John Fisher, a former FBI agent and chief of security at Sears. Early members included Douglas MacArthur, Sam Rayburn, Ray S. Cline, Thomas J. Dodd, W. Averell Harriman, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Eugene V. Rostow, John G. Tower, Lyman Lemnitzer, John K. Singlaub, Lawrence P. McDonald and Patrick J. Frawley. (...) |
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 9 Fév 2014 - 9:33 | |
John Singlaub pense encore que les Etats-Unis sont face à un grand danger (plus grand que lors de la seconde guerre mondiale) :
(...) But I must say as I contemplated going -- jumping into France, I was worried about the enemy. But I have to say, as I flew in here today, I am more concerned now than I was then, our current enemies are a much greater threat. And if we don't get ourselves together and get a leader, as the rabbi suggested, I think we are in far worse trouble than we were from the Japanese as well as the Germans. [APPLAUSE]
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 9 Fév 2014 - 13:18 | |
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| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Lun 10 Fév 2014 - 17:14 | |
| A titre d'information, un autre lien intéressant ...
(...) une polémique suivit les recherches du journaliste Robert Finnegan, finalement poussé à quitter le pays. Deux mois plus tard, le gouvernement australien finissait par justifier vis-à-vis d'une opinion d'abord très réticente, la nécessité de s'allier à la politique de frappes préventives américaine contre l'Irak. (...)
(...) Finnegan, and a team of investigators went to Bali just after the blast and he covered it in depth, took many photographs and samples and conducted a number of interviews with locals and enforcement agents. The results of his efforts is that he was summoned to the American Embassy in Jakarta and personally interviewed by Ambassador Ralph Boyce.
Finnegan was read the riot act by the Ambassador and told that he was “rocking the boat” and ordered to cease and desist his investigative activities at once. When Finnegan refused, the outraged Ambassador told him he would have him ejected from Indonesia within 24 hours. He was ordered to surrender his notes to Embassy personnel, films were confiscated as was a sampling of earth taken from the blast site (Finnegan had two such samples and only one was found) (...)
(...) December 7-9, 2007 -- New Australian documentary on Bali bombing
A new Australian documentary features the complicity of then-US ambassador to Indonesia Ralph "Skip" Boyce in the Bali bombings in 2002. WMR was investigating Boyce, now ambassador to Thailand, for his involvement in the cover-up of the role of US diplomats in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, in providing children for sexual trysts with visiting U.S. officials, including Republican members of Congress. It was Boyce who helped arrange for John Mark Karr's hasty retreat from Bangkok to the United States after Karr's arrest. (...)
Ce qui nous conduit à Guillaume Vogeleer :
(...) The Bush Administration's nominee for ambassador to Thailand conspired with pedophiles and traffickers in children while charge d'affaires at the American Embassy in Thailand in the mid-1990's.
Ralph Leo ("Skip") Boyce, Jr., a career civil servant from Virginia who was recently American ambassador to Indonesia, and two American consular officials in Bangkok, Christopher Richard and Thomas Patrick Furey, conspired with pedophiles and traffickers in women and children to traffic prostitutes and children to Europe and the United States. They aided pedophiles and procurers in eluding the Thai police and escaping the country a decade ago.
In one glaring example of official misconduct, in August 1995, Richard, who was chief of the American Citizen Services section of the American Embassy in Bangkok, conspired with pedophiles in Belgium, Thailand and United States to defraud the Thai government and traffic a young Thai child to pedophiles in Belgium. (...)
_ _ _
Voir :
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Mar 11 Fév 2014 - 11:53 | |
| Pour continuer sur Ralph Boyce, cité sur http://bsltaocnke.tripod.com/ _ _ _ _ _ _ http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_060418-N-4166B-069_The_U.S._Ambassador_to_Thailand,_Mr._Ralph_Boyce_is_greeted_by_Commander_Carrier_Strike_Group_Nine,_Rear_Adm._Bill_Goodwin,_and_USS_Abraham_Lincoln_%28CVN_72%29_Commanding_Officer,_Capt._C._A._McCawley,_o.jpg http://wws.princeton.edu/alumni/stay-connected/what-alumni-are-up-to/boyce-ralph Voir aussi : https://politicalprisonersofthailand.wordpress.com/tag/ralph-boyce/ notamment : https://politicalprisonersofthailand.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/wikileaks-and-a-trt-accusation-of-lese-majeste/ et https://politicalprisonersofthailand.wordpress.com/2012/12/30/wikileaks-pansak-and-surin/ (...) In all of the cables we have seen, apart from being an ardent admirer of everyone in the palace, Boyce shows a congruence with the elite in usually being unable to understand Thaksin’s popular appeal. (...) _ _ _ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ltaauXzNwo Part 3: The Investigation(s) Part Three investigates: The "Official Investigation" (Or lack thereof). This section lists in detail what occurred in the Bali Sari club investigation FROM DAY ONE from moments after the Bali Blasts until the day of AFP "case closed". And all the missed and fabricated evidence in between. Only one person was there from day one. Only one person took more photos than gave TV interviews. Only one person took soil samples and recorded Ralph Boyce admission of CIA involvement. Only one person has been targeted by CIA since getting too close to the truth: The First Bali Truther: Robert S Finnegan. His detailed memoirs and recollections are recorded within this movie for posterity, authorized by him personally to be released. PART ONE The truth about the Bali Bombings here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edxFwC... *(Pre-Bali Sentiment in Australia)... PART TWO The truth about the Bali Bombings 2 - WHO ACTUALLY DID BENEFIT, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ6WMN... *(PART 2 Looks at Who REALLY DID Benefit from bali Bombings After all?.).. PART FOUR The truth about the Bali Bombings here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IHf0P... *(Eye witness Testimony and memorial dedication).. PART FIVE The truth about the Bali Bombings here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So0NcOmE *(The Top Ten Bali Lies) PART SIX The truth about the Bali Bombings here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So0NcOmE *(NEW Never-Seen-BEFORE-Images and evidence) PART SEVEN The truth about the Bali Bombings here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So0NcOmE PART EIGHT The truth about the Bali Bombings here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So0NcOmE *(NEW Top Ten 9-11/bali Coincidences) PART NINE The truth about the Bali Bombings here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So0NcOmE *(Conclusions and reflections) PART TEN The truth about the Bali Bombings here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So0NcOmE *(Bali-Truthers. Where do we go from here?) Download and view the set of Bali Truther Cards: http://nephilim.realrepublic.com/trut... Read more about the 12 months of Bali research done at : http://ozboyfile.realrepublic.com/ PLEASE Also See this AMAZING 20 Part Bali Documentary called FOOLMETWICE by Australian Patriot: Glen Clancy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1tLO8... BRAND NEW Documentary Exposing the Indonesian-CIA link with NEVER SEEN BEFORE FOOTAGE and well researched evidence the Australian MEDIA preferred to IGNORE... http://myspace.com/foolmetwicethemovie/ _ _ _ _ _ _ Il serait intéressant de savoir si les attentats de Bali étaient une opération "false flag" car Ralph Boyce aurait pu y jouer un rôle. Il serait également intéressant de savoir s'il y avait des liens entre Ralph Boyce et Guillaume Vogeleer ... vu que la stratégie de la tension en Belgique présentait des analogies avec d'autres opérations "false flag"... |
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Nombre de messages : 8603 Date d'inscription : 15/02/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Mar 11 Fév 2014 - 13:06 | |
| dans "le dernier mensonge" de robert Beijer il parle des prisons au thailand où il a en effet rencontré un professeur en tôle depuis des années sans procès pour avoir organisé une manifestation contre...
https://politicalprisonersofthailand.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/wikileaks-and-a-trt-accusation-of-lese-majeste/ |
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Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Mar 11 Fév 2014 - 14:38 | |
| Le triple attentat de Bali s'est déroulé le 12 octobre 2002. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/10/16/world/terror-bali-warning-jakarta-us-says-it-told-indonesia-plot-terror-group.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm TERROR IN BALI: WARNING TO JAKARTA; U.S. SAYS IT TOLD INDONESIA OF PLOT BY TERROR GROUPBy JANE PERLEZ and RAYMOND BONNER Published: October 16, 2002The United States repeatedly warned the Indonesian government in the weeks before the bomb blast that killed more than 180 people in Bali that a group linked to Al Qaeda was planning attacks to kill Americans and other Westerners, Bush administration officials said today. The American ambassador, Ralph C. Boyce, delivered the latest warning to President Megawati Sukarnoputri and her top advisers just a day before the bombing and gave her a deadline of Oct. 24 to act, the officials said. The various warnings contained no details about where and when attacks might occur, they said. But Washington took the likelihood of an attack seriously, basing its judgment on Central Intelligence Agency questioning of a Qaeda operative, senior American officials said. The operative, Omar al-Faruq, was detained in central Java in June and was turned over to the Americans but only started talking early in September. _ _ _ _ _ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ltaauXzNwo _ _ _ _ _ http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/24/world/threats-responses-southeast-asia-indonesians-distrust-report-cia-qaeda-suspect.html THREATS AND RESPONSES: SOUTHEAST ASIA; Indonesians Distrust Report By C.I.A. on Qaeda SuspectBy RAYMOND BONNER Published: September 24, 2002(...) In an effort to counter the crescendo of skepticism, the United States ambassador, Ralph Boyce, has decided that he must take the American case to the doubting Indonesian public. On Tuesday he will meet with representatives of several Muslim organizations. Reflecting Washington's anxiety about the issue, Mr. Bush quietly dispatched Karen Brooks last week to talk to President Megawati. Ms. Brooks is not only the senior White House aide on Indonesia. She was also a Fulbright scholar here, speaks fluent Indonesian and has a deep and strong personal relationship with the Indonesian president. Her mission was to impress on Ms. Megawati the seriousness of the problem, but even more important, it was to give some courage to the Indonesian leader, who faces the prospect of widespread demonstrations by Muslims if she cracks down too hard, an official said. (...) _ _ _ http://laotze.blogspot.be/2005/01/betrayal-blackmail-bribes-and.html |
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Mar 11 Fév 2014 - 17:16 | |
Il y a un autre lien troublant ...
A l'époque des attentats de Bali, James Pavitt était le directeur des opérations de la CIA (jusqu'en 2004).
Or, James Pavitt était le chef de station CIA à Luxembourg à l'époque du Bommeleeër ...
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Mar 11 Fév 2014 - 17:40 | |
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| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Mar 11 Fév 2014 - 17:52 | |
| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ6WMNNjXGQ |
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Mar 11 Fév 2014 - 18:01 | |
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| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21559 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Mar 11 Fév 2014 - 18:51 | |
| Pour information ... The Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Islamic Thoughtpublié par Ibrahim Abu-Rabi' _ _ _ Une vision différente sur http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/search?searchtext=Boyce |
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| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) | |
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| | | | Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) | |
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