| Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) | |
+17EStaedtler pami75 Hubert Bonisseur de La Ba totor flanby UncleHo bernard1957 alain CS1958 pierre Henry K dim Kranz Hoho Et In Arcadia Ego HERVE 21 participants | |
Auteur | Message |
Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Jeu 16 Jan 2014 - 16:01 | |
| Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and IndochinaPar Peter Dale Scott |
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Jeu 16 Jan 2014 - 16:13 | |
Voir aussi :
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Ven 17 Jan 2014 - 8:58 | |
| Au sujet de la DIA et de Daniel O. Graham (membre de l'IEPS...) Il faut se souvenir que Guillaume Vogeleer a travaillé pour la DIA à son arrivée en Asie et que Paul Latinus a dit qu'il avait été recruté par la DIA en 1967 (à 17 ans !) _ _ _ The Military Balance in the Cold War: US Perceptions and Policy, 1976-85Par David Walsh _ _ _ John Singlaub et Daniel O. Graham semblent avoir été de bons amis... Quelques extraits de "Hazardous Duty" (J. Singlab) : (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Ven 17 Jan 2014 - 10:27 | |
| Guillaume Vogeleer ayant rencontré John Singlaub et Stefano delle Chiaie, cela vaut la peine de se pencher sur la WACL, notamment dans le livre "Intelligences secrètes" de Fabrizio Calvi (1988). http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ligue_mondiale_pour_la_libert%C3%A9_et_la_d%C3%A9mocratie (...) La WACL a aussi été appuyée par la CIA, au moins sous Reagan, et a reçu des fonds de personnes privées d'Arabie saoudite ainsi que de la richissime secte Moon, dont le révérend, Sun Myung Moon, était ami de Sasakawa et membre de la WACL. (...) La WACL est composée de diverses fédérations régionales créées au fil du temps. Outre la Ligue anti-bolchévique des nations, héritière du Bloc des nations anti-bolchéviques (en) (Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, ABN) de l'Ukrainien Yaroslav Stetsko, on connaît l'existence de: l'APACL (Asian Pacific Anti-Communist League) qui a comptait comme membres, outre Tchang Kaï-chek et Ryōichi Sasakawa, Park Chung-hee (président de la Corée du Sud de 1963 à 1979); Sun Myung Moon, de la secte Moon; le général thaïlandais Prapham Kulapichtir; le dictateur des Philippines Ferdinand Marcos, le prince du Laos Sopasaino, ou le colonel Do Dang Cong, représentant du président du Sud Vietnam Nguyen Van Thieu, etc. (...) _ _ _ "Intelligences secrètes" de Fabrizio Calvi (Ryōichi Sasakawa) Il est question de la secte Moon, dont Alexander Haig et Douglas MacArthur II ont été deux piliers et dont Daniel O. Graham était membre (Haig et Graham étaient par ailleurs dans l'IEPS du général Close, lui aussi à la WACL). Cette secte a été liée au WNP. Voir le schéma de Libert : https://tueriesdubrabant.1fr1.net/t2362-schema-de-michel-libert?highlight=libert |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Ven 17 Jan 2014 - 11:51 | |
| Un article du Los Angeles Times du 16 septembre 1985 est sur : http://fr.scribd.com/doc/200340870/Singlaub-WACL-Dallas-1985 Il est relatif à John Singlaub et à la WACL à l'occasion de la 18° conférence (Dallas) qu'il présidait. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_League_for_Freedom_and_Democracy (...) On September 9, 1985, the 18th WACL General Conference was held in Dallas, Texas, U.S. Gen. John K. Singlaub, President of the U.S. Freedom League (WACL U.S. Chapter), presided over the opening ceremony. Chiang Ching-kuo, President of the ROC, and Ronald Reagan, President of the U.S., sent their congratulatory messages to this occasion. As the U.S. and international media closely watched this conference, 158 reporters joined this event. The Joint Communiqué urged all the free nations to discard the strategy of cooperating with the communists, but instead to aid people from all walks of life to fight for anti-communist movement. Free nations were also encouraged to support the “One China” movement by freedom and democracy, take global anti-communist strategy, and safeguard security. (...) _ _ Il est intéressant de noter ce qui s'est passé en 1983 ... On September 19, 1983, the 16th WACL General Conference was held in Luxembourg with the attendance of 430 participants from 118 countries, international organizations and observer units. Gen. Robert Close, Senator of Belgium and former Director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, chaired the opening ceremony. Voir "Damocès" : http://fr.scribd.com/doc/147570986/Damocles-LIL-octobre-1983 (...) _ _ Il faut se souvenir qu'en 1984 à San Diego (17° conférence), c'est Singlaub qui présidait. Voir "Damoclès" : http://fr.scribd.com/doc/151282835/Damocles-LIL-octobre-1984 http://fr.scribd.com/doc/83057827/Damocles-Novembre-Decembre-1984 (...) _ _ _ En 1983, Robert Close s'est rendu chez John Singlaub au Colorado pour un "nettoyage" des organisations invitées ... "Hazardous Duty" (page 447) On May 10, 1983, Bob Close and I released the so-called Tabernash Report demanding the expulsion of "extremist, neo-Nazi, neo-fascist, racist, or similar organizations" from the League. Ils ont même demandé à la "Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith" d'envoyer des observateurs. Selon certaines sources, le but était d'expulser les organisations inacceptables en raison de l'importance d'Israël dans les montages Iran-Contra dans lesquels John Singlaub étaient très actif. On peut en tout cas remarquer que ELOL, l'association de Pa Kao Her (voir le reportage sur "Jimmy"), était présente à Dallas (sauf erreur de ma part). |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 18 Jan 2014 - 11:37 | |
| En ce qui concerne le Chili, il est intéressant de noter que la possibilité d'un coup d'Etat était déjà discutée en octobre 1970 entre Kissinger, Haig et la CIA ... Le parcours de Thomas Karamessines (CIA) est intéressant. Karamessines, Thomas H. (1916-1978)A New Yorker and the son of Greek immigrants, Karamessines' career became a parable of success at the CIA. After his father died young, wiped out in the Great Depression, Karamessines worked his way through both Columbia College and Law School. He became a deputy assistant attorney general in New York State under Governor Thomas E. Dewey. After Pearl Harbor, he enlisted in the U.S. Army as a private, but his fluent Greek soon led him to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Commissioned as an officer, he rose to the rank of major in World War II, and was assigned to OSS counterintelligence in Italy, then to the OSS unit in Greece toward the end of the war. He joined the CIA when it was founded in 1947 and went from success to success. "Tom K," as he was known to associates, successively became chief of station in Athens, Vienna, and Rome. In 1962, Richard Helms, then CIA's deputy director for plans (i.e. espionage and covert activities), made Karamessines his chief of operations. Karamessines succeeded to the post of deputy director for plans in his own right, a job he held from July 1967 until February 1973. During this interval the CIA reached its peak involvement in Vietnam, participated in the Phoenix program, organized the Provincial Reconnaissance Units, and was active in various ways in Vietnam diplomacy. Voici ce qu'écrit Christopher Hitchens dans son livre The Trial of Henry Kissinger(voir aussi le fil de discussion sur Henry Kissinger) On 15 October 1970, Kissinger was told of an extremist right-wing officer named General Roberto Viaux, who had ties to Patria y Libertad and who was willing to accept the secret US commission to remove General Schneider from the chessboard. The term "kidnap" was still being employed at this point, and is often employed still. However, Kissinger's Track Two group authorized the supply of machine guns as well as tear gas grenades to Viaux's associates, and never seems to have asked what they would do with the general once they had kidnapped him. |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 18 Jan 2014 - 12:50 | |
| Un document de 1985 qui montre les liens entre Civilian Military Assistance (CMA), Soldier Of Fortune (SOF) et d'autres associations, notamment celles présentes à la réunion de Jamba (juin 1985) qui a précédé de peu la 18° conférence WACL de Dallas présidée par John Singlaub et où se trouvait au moins un représentant de ELOL (voir la vidéo sur Guillaume Vogeleer)... http://fr.scribd.com/doc/200570909/CMA-SOF-Jamba-1985-pdf _ _ _ _ Voir aussi http://beck.library.emory.edu/southernchanges/article.php?id=sc10-3_010 (...) The allegations by Honey and Avirgan about Hull's drug smuggling and arms dealing activities in support of the Contras have recently received independent confirmation from Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) during hearings on the Contra-drug connection. On Frontline, Hull still denied any wrongdoing but said, "If it were within my power, people like [Senator Ted] Kennedy and Kerry would be lined up and shot tomorrow." Other defendants in the Christic lawsuit include retired general Richard Secord; Robert Owen, Oliver North's private courier; Contra leader Adolfo Calero; and Thomas Posey, head of Civilian Materiel Assistance (formerly "Civilian Military Assistance"), an ultra-right wing group involved in supplying the Contras out of Decatur, Ala. Christic asserts that the Secret Team is headed by defendant Theodore Shackley, who served as CIA Deputy Director in charge of worldwide covert operations under the agency's former director, George Bush. Christic has refrained from naming any present members of the U.S. government in its suit in order not to bring the Justice Department into the case on the aide of the defendants. In testimony before the Iran-Contra committees, Robert Owen called the charges against him "scurrilous." In an article in the ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION, Shackley called members of the Christic Institute "practitioners of character assassination through legal terrorism" whose charges amounted to "rubbish." But defendants in the Christic lawsuit participate in character assassination of their own. During the Iran-Contra hearings, former CIA operative Glenn Robinette testified that Richard Secord paid him more than $60,000 in funds diverted from the Iranian arms sales to carry out a smear campaign against the Christic Institute. In the December 1987 issue of Soldier of Fortune magazine, retired major general John Singlaub said in a funding appeal, "If I were back in Vietnam in a firefight, then I'd ask for an airstrike to blow the bastards away. But to win this fight we need money. To fight the damned Christic Institute lawsuit takes money." (...) Note : John Singlaub parle du Christic Institute dans son livre "Hazardous Duty". _ _ _ _ _ _ _ http://www.flickr.com/photos/wlfd/4013824832/in/photostream/ 1985 the 18th WACL Conf. in Dallas, USA |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 18 Jan 2014 - 13:08 | |
| (...) the WACL held its 22nd General Conference in Brussels of Belgium on July 23, 1990, and the delegates resolved that this organization should be renamed as the “World League for Freedom and Democracy” (WLFD). This resolution came into effect on January 1, 1991. Sauf erreur de ma part, c'est Robert Close qui préside ... |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 18 Jan 2014 - 13:27 | |
| Pour en revenir à Pa Kao Her et à une photo précédente, je crois qu'il est derrière John Singlaub sur : (1985) Voir aussi : (1992) (1992) ELOL prenait part à la WACL (notamment avec Singlaub à Dallas en 1985). Question : Robert Close (WACL, IEPS...) connaissait-il Guillaume Vogeleer qui se présente comme "Freedom Fighter Forces" (minutes 3'30" et 15'15" du reportage) ? Si c'est le cas, connaissait-il les trafics du commandant François et, sans doute, de l'Etat-Major de la gendarmerie (y compris Gérard Lhost) ? _ _ _ Au sujet de la réunion de Jamba (1985) à laquelle participait Pa Kao Her de ELOL : Pour en savoir plus sur "Jack" Wheeler : http://www.tothepointnews.com/content/view/1117/90/ Pour en savoir plus sur Lewis Lehrman : http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/Lehrman_Lewis (...) Lehrman’s advocacy experience also includes serving as a board member of the Project for a New American Century—a neoconservative pressure group founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan that played a high-profile role pushing support for the invasion of Iraq after the 9/11 attacks—and co-founding Citizens for America, a group created in 1983 at the urging of President Ronald Reagan that supported his hardline anti-communist agenda. [2] According to the defunct GroupWatch project, CFA “worked closely with Oliver North in North's Contra supply efforts,” organizing briefings by Contra speakers that targeted congressional offices and encouraged congressional members to vote for Contra aid. [3] CFA was also the principal U.S. sponsor of a 1985 meeting of anti-communist “freedom fighters” held in Angola. The conference was considered instrumental in pressuring the Reagan administration to authorize a $15 million aid package for UNITA in 1986. The conference also exerted pressure on the U.S. Congress and public to support the Nicaraguan Contras and the guerrillas in Afghanistan.” [4] (...) |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 18 Jan 2014 - 16:10 | |
| Il est bien établi que Guillaume Vogeleer était un grand ami du "journaliste-photographe" Jim Coyne de Soldier of Fortune. Celui-ci reste actuellement encore en contact avec Robert K. Brown (SOF, NRA), dont nous savons qu'il est proche de John Singlaub (voir "Hazardous Duty"), de Oliver North (qui fait partie de la NRA) et d'autres... Quelques photos de Robert K. Brown : En relisant http://mediamatters.org/blog/2011/09/13/soldier-boy/181044 je trouve le lien vers l'article suivant : Une question que je me pose : a-t-il boîté après cette blessure ? |
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 18 Jan 2014 - 16:36 | |
| A People's History of the HmongPar Paul Hillmer (...) Le reportage montrant Guillaume Vogeleer et Pa Kao Her date de 1992 mais ils se connaissaient manifestement avant. Il est possible que ce soit déjà John Singlaub qui ait envoyé Guillaume Vogeleer aider Pa Kao Her... Il faudrait en savoir plus sur les dates, tenant compte du fait que Guillaume Vogeleer est arrivé en Asie, chez les Karen, au milieu des années 1970 et a travaillé pour la DIA (sous Daniel O. Graham, proche de John Singlaub ?) |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 18 Jan 2014 - 17:23 | |
| Guillaume Vogeleer et Paul Latinus ont travaillé pour la DIA (voir Daniel O. Graham, ami de John Singlaub). Qu'en est-il pour le commandant François ? On peut en effet se poser des questions : http://fr.scribd.com/doc/89984656/Celsius-Les-6-derniers-mois-du-ministre-VdB-1991 Il ne faut pas s'étonner que cette "association" liant Farcy, Vienne, Vogeleer et François soit sous le regard de la DIA et de la DEA ... en se souvenant aussi du rôle de Paul Vanden Boeynants et du lieutenant-général Beaurir. En jetant un fameux coup de pied dans la fourmilière, le "gendarme don Quichotte" François Raes a vraiment mis la DIA/DEA en difficulté, a été voué aux gémonies par le lieutenant-général Beaurir et a été menacé par Gérard Lhost. Note : la CIA n'est pas loin ... Daniel O. Graham a d'ailleurs travaillé pour la CIA puis pour la DIA ; la CIA et la DEA doivent par ailleurs être proches l'une de l'autre à l'ambassade américaine de Bruxelles. Comme François Raes, on peut s'étonner qu'il n'a pas été question de Guillaume Vogeleer au procès du commandant François ... alors que son nom était dans le dossier. Ce procès n'a manifestement pas été au bout des choses. |
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 18 Jan 2014 - 18:21 | |
| Il y a des informations intéressantes sur la WACL sur : http://rightweb.irc-online.org/articles/display/World_Anti-Communist_League Voir aussi les pages 6 et 10 de http://www.freedomarchives.org/Documents/Finder/DOC37_scans/37.dttk.sum86.pdf Extraits : (...) (...) |
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Nombre de messages : 1674 Date d'inscription : 28/10/2008
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 18 Jan 2014 - 21:52 | |
| il avait quelle taille ce brave monsieur? |
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Sam 18 Jan 2014 - 22:24 | |
| On peut lui demander ... Il est encore sur http://www.meetthenra.org/board-list ... avec Oliver North ... _ _ _ Il est aussi sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Robert-K-Brown/422682277782988 _ _ _ (photo sans moustache) Il était même à Gemtech hier ! http://www.gem-tech.com/store/pc/home.asp Gemtech 17 Jan. 1-3:00 Booth #20521 _ _ Comme John Singlaub, il pense que "nous" sommes toujours en guerre http://www.sofmag.com/rkb-warns-terror-threat RKB WARNS OF TERROR THREAT By SOF Editor on Mon, 08/12/2013 - 4:55pm (...) et qu'il y a des dommages collatéraux : "... sometimes, unfortunately, there is collateral damage." |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 9:35 | |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 12:10 | |
| Dans son livre, Robert K. Brown parle aussi de la DIA ... POW = prisoner of war MIA = missing in action |
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 12:21 | |
| Robert K. Brown écrit aussi sur la "Yellow Rain". Il a déjà été question de cette désinformation sur le forum, voir http://fr.scribd.com/doc/96016239/Yellow-Rain-Edward-S-Herman Dans le livre de RKB : |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 12:42 | |
| Toujours dans le livre de Robert K. Brown : Cela fait penser à la photo déjà présentée à la page 35 de ce fil de discussion : |
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 12:57 | |
| Une partie du livre de Robert K. Brown est consacrée au Surinam. Il y a plusieurs années d'écart avec ce qui est dit sur le forum au sujet d'une tentative avortée de coup d'Etat dans ce pays, impliquant Madani Bouhouche ... |
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 13:55 | |
| Quelques extraits du livre de Robert K. Brown : (...) (...) |
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 14:01 | |
| Il est intéressant de noter que le livre de Roberty K. Brown a été écrit avec ...
... his close friend and lawyer, Vann Spencer. Now let me get a couple of things off my chest immediately – Brown has an enormous ego, appears to have a very short temper, and feels he hasn’t had enough official recognition for what he and his publication have ‘achieved’ for the U.S. Government over the years. Also, the co – author Spencer has been part of Brown’s inner circle for years, after becoming acquainted with him by virtue of living around the corner from his ‘Brown Hotel’ Mercenary flop house. ‘Acolyte’ is probably too harsh a word to describe him, but its not far off.
En feuilletant la première partie du livre, je vois que "l'acolyte" Vann Spencer a vécu (notamment) à Bruxelles ...
Vann Spencer is an international lawyer, who studied law and international relations in Russia, Poland, London, Hong Kong, Brussels, and Paris, with emphasis on the Security of Europe. Spencer has reported on events in Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East. Spencer has also given lectures on International Law, International Security, Comparative Politics, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights Law.
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Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 14:16 | |
By Lt. Col. Robert Brown, USAR (Ret.)
With Vann Spencer Casemate, $29.95, 408 pages
Robert K. Brown's first-person tour through war zones, revolutions, doomed adventures and the rise of Soldier of Fortune magazine has the punch of a Hollywood action thriller. There are heroes, villains, blazing guns, intrigue, humor, swagger and violent death. Unlike an action movie, it's real. From Cuba to Vietnam, Rhodesia to Latin America and Afghanistan, Bob Brown redefined participative journalism while creating a forum for the global warrior culture.
Each issue of Soldier of Fortune — circulation 1 million plus — is iconic to readers of a special stripe: veterans, active duty, special operators, mercenaries, gun lovers, law enforcement, adventurers, survivalists and those wish they were any of those. It's not unusual for a combat veteran to admit he got his first glimpse of what he could become in the pages of SOF.
Soldier of Fortune launched in 1975 as a way for Mr. Brown, a Green Beret in Vietnam, to reach out to brothers in arms. SOF became a global touchstone linking a broad community of warriors willing to go anywhere and do anything — for adventure, for a cause or for a price. Along the way, Mr. Brown and his rugged band of paramilitary journalists wrote, photographed and shot their way through a score of revolutions and brush fire wars, were damned and praised by governments around the world, exposed crooks and scam artists and were sued multiple times for enabling mayhem and even murder.
However improbable the success of Soldier of Fortune, the story of its founder and field commander is more so. Bob Brown grew up modestly in Indiana. In the mid-1950s he ended up at the University of Colorado in Boulder, the town that would become home base for SOF. He was idealistic, pugilistic, didn't much care for authority and had a big case of attitude. He maneuvered through the Army Reserve, became a second lieutenant, shot on the pistol team and, as a part-time student, part-time soldier could barely contain his lust for adventure. The book tells well the twists and turns that led Mr. Brown to Cuba to write about, with sympathy, Fidel Castro's revolution against the dictator Batista. He didn't meet Castro, but hung around in the shadows of Havana. When Castro announced he was Communist, Mr. Brown fell in with a scruffy, colorful Florida network of anti-Castro operatives looking to invade Cuba, then Haiti and, for good measure, knock off the dictator of the Dominican Republic. Fortunately for Mr. Brown, those capers fizzled. Back in Boulder, he founded a small publishing company to sell booklets on guerilla warfare.
Recalled to active duty, Capt. Brown went to Vietnam assigned to a Special Forces A Team. He saw plenty of combat, was wounded and managed to exasperate most of the command structure. His commitment to his soldiers and the combat mission was as hard-edged as his disdain for the office-bound careerists, politicians and celebrities he was convinced lost a war that had been won on the ground.
After Vietnam he returned to Boulder, worked odd jobs, wrote a few articles and focused on the growing number and needs of disaffected vets. He played host to a steady stream of warriors looking for the next fight. Legions of combat-hardened American soldiers did not feel welcome at home in the '70s, but found a ready market for their skills in the brush fire conflicts that burned on the perimeters of the Cold War.
One of those markets was Africa. In 1974, soldiers of fortune, adventurers and mercenaries ("mercs") from around the world were headed to Rhodesia to help Ian Smith's beleaguered white government turn back a communist-backed insurgency. Mr. Brown joined them with his typewriter, camera and gun, committed to telling stories about the fight and the fighters. To make a few bucks, he placed a small classified ad in Shotgun News offering information on becoming a mercenary — and was amazed when hundreds of responses poured in from around the world. The idea was born for Soldier of Fortune magazine.
Journalists for SOF separated the good guys from the bad guys, and their stories were unapologetically anti-communist. SOF became known for tough journalism and breaking stories, calling out the self-promoting but hollow MIA rescue missions led by former Green Beret Bo Gritz, and secured evidence of "yellow rain" chemical attacks being used against Laotians and others. It was a new brand of journalism. As the success of SOF grew, so did the problems of working on the margins of journalism. The classified ads in Soldier of Fortune were lucrative, but those placing them and responding to them sometimes had dark purposes. The magazine was accused of promoting killers for hire. SOF fought back against the lawsuits and was regularly attacked in the mainstream media. Undaunted, Mr. Brown and his teams continued to fan out across the globe, reporting from the thick of combat in every hot spot and hellhole that made headlines — and many that didn't.
"I Am Solider of Fortune" is a half-century of history told from ground level. The higher value, though, may be in the perspective it offers on the warrior culture. From the outside, it is easy to believe every soldier of fortune, every "private security contractor," is a Rambo-style wild man, pumped on testosterone. Some of the characters passing through Mr. Brown's book are that. Others are darkly sinister. Most are measured, disciplined professionals who understand both risk and principle. True, the dialogue in "I Am Soldier of Fortune" often sounds like football coaches arguing in a bar, and SOF brethren are rowdy and don't play by the rules. So many names and places pop up it's easy to get lost. However, the strongest characters in his tale share an iron commitment to personal freedom, patriotism, disdain for enemies and a willingness to risk everything. They are tough as nails. Wannabe heroes and me-too patriots don't fare well under Mr. Brown's withering prose. Forty years after the Vietnam War, his contempt is fresh for those he believes betrayed American warriors — John Kerry, Jane Fonda and others.
At 80, Robert K. Brown stands as a central figure in a shadow world of secrecy and myth. His book opens that world to readers on the outside. There are many who don't like Soldier of Fortune magazine and the culture of rogue warrior exploits it represents.
Bob Brown doesn't care.
| | | HERVE
Nombre de messages : 21558 Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 16:25 | |
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Nombre de messages : 8625 Localisation : Bruxelles Date d'inscription : 16/11/2005
| Sujet: Re: Guillaume Vogeleer (Jimmy le Belge) Dim 19 Jan 2014 - 16:54 | |
| _________________ "Ne rien nier à priori, ne rien affirmer sans preuve." ( Dr. Robert RENDU)
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