Quand je parlais du financement de l'extrême-droite par le banditisme, je ne voulais pas inclure les attaques des Tueurs du Brabant : l'argent ne semble pas être leur motivation.
Cependant, il y a des liens entre l'extrême-droite et la "pègre".
Voici quelques sources d'information transmises par A.
1) Sur le casse de la rue Haute Les brigades noires (Serge Dumont 1983) , chapitre 14, p.204
(voir aussi les articles du "Soir")
"Ligue Civique Belge"
Il est pour le moins intéressant de constater que le vice président de ce mouvement d'extrême-droite qui ambitionne de moraliser la vie politique belge est impliqué dans une affaire qui a défrayé la chronique : le "casse de la rue Haute". Une opération bien montée qui permit à un groupe de malfaiteurs de piller les coffres d'une succursale de la Société Générale de Belgique un week-end d' avril 1980 et de s'emparer d'un butin évalué à 180 millions de francs belges. Accusé de faux, recel de faux et d'avoir organisé la revente de titres volés, Serge Thibault de Boesinghe, vice-président de la "Ligue Civique Belge", a d'abord été acquitté au bénéfice du doute par un jugement de la 21ème chambre correctionnelle de Bruxelles rendu le 25 mai 1982. Il n 'a pas bénéficié de la même chance en appel. Le 20 octobre 1982, la 8ème chambre de la Cour d'Appel l'a condamné à 5 ans de prison. Une condamnation qui devrait porter un coup fatal à la réputation de la LCB.
2) Sur la CATENA et la "main rouge"-voir Gladio (J. Willems, 1991) chapitre 3
-Voir aussi Lobster N°12, N°15 et N°18
Note : les rédacteurs ont rétrospectivement désavoué les premiers numéros (1 à
pour cause de sources foireuses (cf wikipedia).
"From Issue 22, in 1991: The first eight Lobsters have not been kept in print for a number of reasons... some of them contain material which we learned subsequently was disinformation."
-Voir les sources citées par Wikipedia :
3) Sur le trafic d'héroïne, les mafias et leurs liens avec les services de renseignement Voir Alfred W.McCoy, "The politics of heroin"
4) Sur le SAC (Service d'Action Civique) Voir les sources de l'article Wikipedia, notamment Patrice Chairoff (ex-néonazi et ancien du SAC devenu journaliste d'investigation)
- Lobster n°5, 12 ,16 , 18 ( http://www.8bitmode.com/rogerdog/lobster/ )
- "Nato's Secret Armies" (Daniele Ganser , 2005)
- Les Brigades noires (Serge Dumont, 1983). Il cite Chairoff et d'autres sources.
- Dans "The politics of heroin..." (1972), Alfred McCoy parle lui aussi du SAC et de ses relations avec la pègre (voir page 50 du livre)
5) Otto Skorzeny5)a) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Skorzeny
b) https://wikispooks.com/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=Otto+skorzeny
In 1966, the international fascist intelligence network Aginter Press was established to implement the Strategy of Tension, with support from the Portuguese security service PIDE and the CIA. This network included a unit specialising in the infiltration of anarchist and pro-Chinese groups and its ‘correspondents’ would use such organisations as a cover for carrying out bombings and other violent attacks. Aginter Press also included a strategic centre for subversion and intoxication operations, along with an executive action organisation that carried out assassinations33 (most likely the same ‘pool of assassins’ that William Harvey, CIA Station Chief in Italy, had recruited in Europe for the CIA’s ‘Executive Action Capability’).34 All of these divisions of Aginter Press were under the leadership of French OAS officer and former US liaison officer Captain Yves Guillou (alias Yves Guerin Serac), in collaboration with Robert Leroy, a former French SS officer, and Otto Skorzeny, a senior German SS officer. Their network brought together Nazi and fascist activists from intelligence services and security services all over Europe (West Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece) and Latin America, South Africa and the US. Italian ‘correspondents’ for Aginter Press included the co-founder Stefano delle Chiaie (leader of Avanguardia Nazionale), Pino Rauti and Guidi Giannettini, who collaborated with French OAS leader Pierre Lagaillarde35 (also involved in the assassination attempt on the French President, Charles de Gaulle).36 Some of these, such as delle Chiaie and Rauti, were also linked to the US-dominated World Anti-Communist League (WACL). Braschi was later Italian representative of WACL.37 (...)
Notes p.70 du livre :
33. Ibid., pp. 125–88; Tribunali Civile e Penale di Milano (1995–2001).
34. ‘Sometime in early 1961 [Allan Dulles’s Deputy Director for Plans, Richard] Bissell instructed [William] Harvey, who was then Chief of the CIA foreign intelligence staff (and soon afterwards CIA station chief in Rome), to establish an “Executive Action Capability”, which would include research into a capability to assassinate foreign leaders.’ The Senate Intelligence Committee stated that an agent, QJ/WIN [probably an OAS activist], was recruited in Europe and put under Harvey’s supervision to hire killers and to identify individuals with criminal and underworld connections in order to create ‘an available pool of assassins’. See Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Foreign Assassinations, Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders: An Interim Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities
(New York: Norton, 1976), pp. 181–2.
35. Bale, ‘The “Black” International’. See also Tribunale Civile e Penale di Milano (1995–2001); and Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies.
36. E.H. Cookridge, Gehlen: Spy of the Century (London: Corgi, 1972).
37. Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, Inside the League (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1986).
d) Revue "Lobster" N°12 (Septembre 1986).
Faire une recherche par mot-clé à travers les articles en tapant "Skorzeny".
Voir aussi Lobster N°18.
Pour télécharger les N°1 à 31:
e) "Nato's secret armies" (Daniele Ganser 2005), page 121/315 du PDF ( = p.108 du livre).
In Spain, Delle Chiaie linked up with right-wing extremists from other European countries including Otto Skorzeny, a former Nazi, and Yves Guerain Serac, a French former officer of the illegal Organisation Armee Secrete (OAS) and Gladio linked leader of the Portugal-based CIA front Aginter-Press. Skorzeny was employed by Franco's secret service as a 'security consultant' and hired Delle Chiaie to target opponents of Franco in both Spain and abroad, whereupon Delle Chiaie carried out well over a thousand bloodthirsty attacks, including an estimated 50 murders (...) [voir notes pour sources etc]
f) The radical right, a world directory (C.O.Maolain , 1987) , p.131
Organization der Ehemaligen SS-Angehorigen (Odessa) / Organization of Former SS Members
This organization, which may now be defunct, was established in the closing stages of the war as a means of securing the futures of war criminals belonging to the SS, an elite section of the Nazi forces, which was declared in the Nuremburg trials to be a criminal rather than a military organization. Details of its membership and activities are not widely known, but it is believed to have assisted many ex-SS men to settle in South America and elsewhere with adequate funds to purchase new identities, immunity from state harassment and a means of subsistence. It is thought to have relied on the support of local nazi and neo-nazi groups throughout the world, and was based in Madrid.
A leading figure in the Odessa network, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, was instrumental in finding Josef Mengele-the Auschwitz "Angel of Death"-a new home in Paraguay, where the Stroessner dictatorship granted him full citizenship (revoked in the 1970s after international protests). Rudel, an unrepentant nazi who died in late 1982, had been involved with Otto Skorzeny in organizing Odessa and in 1953 was associated with Dr Waiter Neumann's neo-nazi coup plot in West Germany; he was subsequently involved in the Deutsche Reichspartei, a precursor of the NPD.
g) Hitler's shadow (R. Breitman & N. J.W. Goda, National Archives 2010)
Notes , p.68
25 Special Agent Fritz Weinschens, report of March 17, 1950, NARA, RG 319, IRR Die Bruderschaft Factions, D 267240. On Franke-Gricksch’s relationship with Mosley, see Graham Macklin, Very Deeply Dyed in Black: Sir Oswald Mosley and the Resurrection of British Fascism after 1945 (New York: Taurus, 2007), pp. 91–93. Contacts with Countess Lili Hamilton, Bishop Alois Hudal, fighter pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel, former SS Lt. Col. Otto Skorzeny and others are mentioned throughout the CIC Bruderschaft files. CIC information also pointed to continued contact between Franke-Gricksch and “British friends from the Secret Service.” See Franke-Gricksch, Alfred, Consolidated Information Collected from CPI Cards as of April 18, 1951, NARA, RG 319, IRR Die Bruderschaft Factions, D 267240.