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 affaire Souleiman

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7 participants
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guy mayeu

Nombre de messages : 2021
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2016

affaire Souleiman - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: affaire Souleiman   affaire Souleiman - Page 2 EmptyLun 7 Nov 2016 - 17:00

bonjour a tous,
bonjour k,

c est clair que les dupondt n étaient pas seuls ce jour la, sinon le taux de pollution du sol s en serait trouve augmente.

l article de rene haquin daté du 14 septembre 89 nous certifie que : un nouvel attentat visant les biens d un diamantaire anversois a été perpétré mercredi.

il y a un lien entre ces 2 faits , et pas uniquement parce qu ils sont diamantaires et anversois.

pour s emparer du contenu d un coffre , il faut :

-savoir ou il se trouve
-savoir comment l ouvrir ou connaître le code d ouverture

combien de chances avaient les dupondt d asservir des marchands d ivoire libanais?

non, même si ils sont boiteux, ils savent ou ils mettent les pieds.
ils sont sorti sans rien ivoire mais ne sont pas rentre a l aveuglette, ce n est pas leur genre

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Nombre de messages : 8603
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2009

affaire Souleiman - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: affaire Souleiman   affaire Souleiman - Page 2 EmptyMar 8 Nov 2016 - 10:08


Dernière édition par K le Lun 11 Mar 2019 - 20:58, édité 1 fois
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guy mayeu

Nombre de messages : 2021
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2016

affaire Souleiman - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: affaire Souleiman   affaire Souleiman - Page 2 EmptyMar 8 Nov 2016 - 12:26

bonjour a tous,
bonjour k,

je ne sais pas a quoi ressemblait ali souleiman et cie, ni la totalité de leurs activités.
mais un homme qui se défends a coups de défense d éléphant,
un autre qui les poursuit après coup(s), ce n est pas rien.
(rétrospectivement ce serait même super comique et jouissif, si ces TUEURS n avaient pas tué, ENCORE UNE FOIS, un homme)
je ne connais pas le contenu de leur coffre,
la plupart des gens sont discrets a ce sujet,
ils ne l on surement pas déclaré aux autorités non plus, ce n est pas leur affaire,
mais les dupondt, eux, savaient!
et, renseignes sur les propriétaires coriaces, il y a de fortes chances qu ils connaissaient sa situation
et comment l ouvrir en entrant (qui savait ca? le même que pour l autre diamantaire, le lien c est par la qu il faut le chercher, mais il est surement mort en ces jours).

le mobile, c est l argent.
et dans leurs situation préventive ,il ne sert a rien de se mettre en avant pour pas grand chose, pas grand sou.

un agent secret qui laisse ses papiers sur place, il n y a que la police belge pour croire ca.

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Nombre de messages : 270
Date d'inscription : 19/08/2011

affaire Souleiman - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: affaire Souleiman   affaire Souleiman - Page 2 EmptyMer 9 Nov 2016 - 14:45

"Marc Rich, assisted by Bruce Rappaport, Ed Wilson and many others, turned out to be the key figure in illegally supplying South-Africa with oil. Shabtai Kalmanovitch, Rich 's agent in Africa, was instrumental in processing the illicit oil
traffic through the West-African nation of Sierra Leone. Kalmanovitch, member of the Mikhailov network, was given a hand in Sierra Leone by Brooklyn maffiya-boss Marat Balagula. The Red Maffiya literally took over the country and its exceptionally lucrative 'blood diamonds' trade, undercutting the local Lebanese dominance.


The Sierra Leone connection left a trail all the way to Antwerp and to two Brabant Killings suspects: Robert Beijer and Dani Bouhouche. Both were ex-members of the Gendarmerie. Beijer had always insisted that he worked for the Russian GRU, which the police found hard to believe. Bouhouche was a weapons freak who loved practical shooting. He was always on the look-out for hard action. The B & B duo had been involved in the robbery of a shipment of diamonds on the Brussels National airport in October of 1982, which had left one security guard missing, presumed dead. His body was never found.
On Saturday September 2, 1989, B & B penetrated into the Antwerp apartment of Ali Suleiman Ahmad of the Lebanese Ahmad-clan. They expected to find Suleiman alone at home. Officially, they were tasked to teach him a lesson for having failed to pay his dues. As it turned out, Suleiman had visitors. His son, his brother-in-law Ali Said, and his nephew were in the apartment when B & B busted in. The ensuing fight escalated into a fire fight, leaving Suleiman dead and Ali Said badly injured. B & B escaped unscathed but were later arrested and convicted.
Asked about the motive of the raid, Beijer declared that he had acted on orders of the GRU to interrogate Suleiman on the whereabouts of an Israeli by the name of Mosseiev. It appeared that Beijer was well informed about the Blood Diamonds trade with Sierra Leone. Back in 89 this was still privileged information.
From his Lebanon residence, Suleiman‘s father informed the press that the Mossad was behind the murder simply because his son had been a competitor to the Israeli diamond traders in Africa. Said Ali Ahmad, who lost an eye in the Antwerp attack, had been involved in a failed coup in Sierra Leone in 1987. The Ahmad-clan of Sierra Leone was linked to Amal and Nahib Berri in Lebanon. Until the start of the Momoh presidency in 1985, the diamond trade had been controlled by Lebanese businessmen. This had obviously put them in the line of fire of the Mossad, who was known to act in favour of the De Beers cartel. President Momoh, as we have seen, was coached by Kalmanovitch and Balagula. Under their control, loads of diamonds were shipped to Thailand where they were exchanged for heroin, that was sold on the European market with the help of the Genovese-clan.
Mohamed Jamil, the former Lebanese ‘white’ president of Sierra Leone
had attempted to oust Momoh in the 1987 putsch that was thwarted by Kalmanovitch."

Kalmanovitch was part of the Przedborski-Mikhailov maffiya network.
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Nombre de messages : 8603
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2009

affaire Souleiman - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: affaire Souleiman   affaire Souleiman - Page 2 EmptyMer 9 Nov 2016 - 21:28


Dernière édition par K le Lun 11 Mar 2019 - 20:58, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2017

affaire Souleiman - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: affaire Souleiman   affaire Souleiman - Page 2 EmptyDim 22 Oct 2017 - 11:53

Voici la suite et fin de la citation de Willy-Nilly extraite du livre de Walter Baeyens et Wayne Madsen où il est fait mention de Martial Lekeu:

"...The Suleiman murder seemed to confirm Beijer's claim that he had been on the GRU payroll for some time. The Jewish Connection, the KGB-GRU complex and the Mossad overlapped to a great extent. If Beijer had indeed been a GRU agent, what did that say about the nature of the Brabant Killings and who commissioned them?

Martial Lekeu, an ex-gendarme just like B&B, had stated that, as a young man, he had been impressed by the Israeli forces' performance during the Six-Day War. He had volunteered to join the Israeli defense force, but he had been turned down. Whereupon an Israeli by the name of Uri had coached him to join the Gendarmerie, where he would be in a position to collect useful information. Lekeu's wife was Jewish. In one of his statements he explained they it was the Mossad who had derailed the planned 1980's coup in Belgium in which he was taking part. Apparently, a regime change was not in Israel's best interest at the time. Jean Gol, the Belgian minister of Justice in the 1980's, was of Jewish descent. He was no doubt an important actor in the 1980's dramas.

In 1983 Lekeu was starting to feel the heat. He wanted to get out of the country fast. Initially he had received permission to travel to Israel, via Paris. But his wife refused to spend the rest of her days in the Jewish state. Their destination of choice was America. To Lekeu's amazement it took quite a while to get the visas. The unexpected delay made him wonder about whose payroll he had really been on for the past decade. Justice minister Jean Gol must have known the answer, but he let it be known that sometimes the truth had to remain hidden in order to "prevent even greater calamities"."

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