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 Alexander HAIG

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyMer 18 Jan 2012 - 22:49

Quel role Close jouait-il dans le STBH belge ? Voir la piste Jean Delhez -) Squad Explorateur -) Exercices Oesling...
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Date d'inscription : 15/02/2009

Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyJeu 19 Jan 2012 - 7:04

il me semble que HAIg et Close avait tout les deux les couteaux entre les dents.
trop excessif ils ont été mis à côté .

Cette mis a l'ecart peut avoir eu des consequences que des services crées ou renouvellées
échappent à touet contrôle.

mais qui peut mettre des dates dessus ?
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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyJeu 19 Jan 2012 - 7:41

un debut

attention pas mélanger general Crobert Close et Eduard Close bourgemestre de liège

Citation :


Scolarité à l'École royale des cadets, antichambre de l'École royale militaire où il entre en 1939 (85e promotion I.C. - Infanterie-Cavalerie).

Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Robert Close fut Résistant. Fait prisonnier par les Allemands, il passa successivement par trois camps de concentration entre 1942 et 1945.

Diplômé en sciences économiques, politiques et diplomatiques (ULB), il fut maître de conférences à l'Université de Liège.

Carrière militaire[modifier]

Robert, dit Bob, Close fit une brillante carrière militaire. Lieutenant au 1er Guides (1948).
En 1961, il fut désigné pour le Commandement suprême des Forces Alliées en Europe (SHAPE).
En 1965, il est affecté au Cabinet de la Défense nationale.
En 1967, il est nommé Attaché militaire à l'Ambassade de Belgique à Londres.
En 1970, il rejoint le corps professoral de l'École de guerre.
En 1971, il prend le commandement de la 17e Brigade blindée.
En 1974, il est nommé commandant adjoint au Collège de défense de l'OTAN à Rome.
En 1975, le Général Close se met à dos le Pentagone et le Président du Comité militaire de l'OTAN après avoir fait circuler une étude qui aboutit à un plaidoyer pour une armée européenne.

Il devient commandant de la 16e Division blindée (1976) et publia à cette époque un livre qui allait lui assurer une notoriété internationale : L'Europe sans défense ? Le Général Close dresse dans cet ouvrage le relevé détaillé de la situation alarmante de la défense militaire de l'Europe. L'ouvrage crée un séisme au sein de l'OTAN. Et provoque la colère des milieux de gauche.

En 1980, le Général Close présente sa démission des cadres actifs de l'Armée belge.

Militant politique[modifier]

En 1980, il devient membre de la Ligue anti-communiste mondiale (World Anti-Communist League), transformée en 1990 en Ligue mondiale pour la liberté et la démocratie (World League for Freedom and Democracy).

En 1981, il se présente aux élections et est élu haut la main sénateur pour le PRL. Il y siègera jusqu'en 1987, année où il quitte le PRL, déçu.

En 1983, il fonde avec Jacques Jonet, Paul Vankerkhoven et Nicolas de Kerchove l'Institut européen pour la paix et la sécurité. Cet Institut devait faire contre-poids à la propagande des mouvements pacifistes.

En 1991, il rejoint le BEB-n (Entente belge – nouvelle / Belgische Eenheid – nieuw)1 , petit parti droitier unitariste.

Proche, sur la fin de sa vie, d'Alain Escada, il contribuera à la rédaction de diverses de ses publications, comme la revue Polémique.

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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyJeu 19 Jan 2012 - 9:04

Robert Close :

" Proche, sur la fin de sa vie, d'Alain Escada, il contribuera à la rédaction de diverses de ses publications, comme la revue Polémique. "

_ _ _

Alain Escada a créé l'association sans but lucratif (asbl) nationale-catholique Belgique et Chrétienté dont il est le président. Cette association organise ou prend part à différentes actions des milieux conservateurs et traditionalistes catholiques tels qu'une manifestation du 17 septembre 2005 contre l'adoption d'enfants par les couples homosexuels, une Journée européenne pour la Vie dont la seule édition s'est tenue à Bruxelles le 25 juillet 2006 ou encore l’European Family Pride, organisée par la mouvance pro-vie le 5 mai 2007, au cours de laquelle il a pris la parole. Il reste actif au sein de la mouvance pro-vie européenne.

Il est aussi le secrétaire général de l'Institut Civitas.



Il faut noter la citation en tête de son blog :

Le blog d'Alain Escada
La vérité vous rendra libre

Voir :


Sur la CIA - Dans le hall d'entrée, il y a une citation de l'Évangile selon Jean, «vous saurez la vérité et la vérité vous rendra libre». Penser à toutes les erreurs, qui auraient souvent pu être évitées rend cette solennité encore plus frappante.»

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyJeu 19 Jan 2012 - 9:22

Alain Escada est le secrétaire général de l'Institut Civitas.


(...) Devant la statue de Sainte Jeanne d'Arc, deux discours - celui de M. Alain Escada, secrétaire de l'institut CIVITAS et celui de M. l'abbé Xavier Beauvais - se sont succédés pour montrer en exemple la Sainte Lorraine. (...)


Civitas, ce mouvement chrétien sorti de l'ombre

Publié le 08/12/2011 à 07:52

(...) L'institut Civitas trouve son origine chez le groupe contre-révolutionnaire la Cité catholique, dirigé par Jean Ousset, qui, selon le politologue Pierre Milza, lutta contre «toutes les formes passées et présentes de la Révolution: la Réforme, les Lumières, le libéralisme, la démocratie, la laïcité, le socialisme, le communisme, la “judéo-maçonnerie”». Après le schisme lefevriste (1988), la Cité catholique se scinde en deux : d'un côté Ichtus, de l'autre Civitas, qui se rapproche des intégristes de la Fraternité sacerdotale Saint Pie X (FSSPX).

• Quel est leur mode d'action ?

Avec l'apparition de Civitas, les intégristes renouent avec l'activisme. En 1988, des catholiques intégristes avaient été soupçonnés d'être à l'origine d'un attentat perpétré dans un cinéma diffusant La Dernière tentation du Christ de Martin Scorsese. (...)

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyJeu 19 Jan 2012 - 9:52

Je vois de possibles liens entre cette mouvance et l'assassinat du représentant communiste Julien Lahaut, ainsi que celui de P. Lumumba ...

Pour information, la recherche menée par le CEGES à la demande du Sénat concernant les circonstances de l’assassinat de Julien Lahaut a débuté le 16 mai 2011 et est censée s’étaler sur vingt-quatre mois.

Un rapport intermédiaire sera remis à la fin de la première année par les historiens en question au comité scientifique du CEGES et le résultat complet de la recherche devrait être présenté au printemps 2013.

Cette première phase porte sur les circonstances exactes du déroulement des faits et de l’enquête judiciaire, ainsi que de l’environnement plus large de celle-ci.

Elle a été conçue pour pouvoir faire l’objet d’une publication lors de son achèvement au printemps 2013.

Par ailleurs, le CEGES devra obtenir des fonds du Gouvernement fédéral et l’accès à certaines archives dépendant de Services publics fédéraux pour la seconde phase, impliquant la clarification des mobiles et commanditaires de l’assassinat.

J’espère qu’il pourra en être ainsi à présent qu’un Gouvernement fédéral pleinement opérationnel est en place.

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyJeu 19 Jan 2012 - 9:54

Dans le cadre de cette "mouvance", il faudrait aussi obtenir des informations sur le ministre José Desmarets et ses liens avec WACL.

José Desmarets, né à Schaerbeek le 16 septembre 1925, était un homme politique belge. Il fut ministre PSC.

José Desmarets est docteur en droit et licencié en sciences politiques et sociales. Au sein du PSC il appartenait à l'aile droite, le CEPIC.

Conseiller communal à Uccle
Échevin à Uccle
1971-985 : député de la circonscription électorale de l'arrondissement de Bruxelles
1979-1981 : vice-premier ministre
1979-1980 : ministre de la Défense nationale
1980 : ministre de la planification et de la gestion scientifique
1980-1981 : ministre des classes moyennes et du plan

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyJeu 19 Jan 2012 - 11:45

pauvre europe!

avec tout ces dignitaires on va au paradis pour l'eternité

et la verité au nuit et brouillard.
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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyJeu 19 Jan 2012 - 11:51



(12 photos)

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyMer 25 Jan 2012 - 11:12

Je voudrais prolonger la réflexion sur "On était en guerre" et sur la réflexion de "K" (Pallandt) ...

Je crois que "Pallandt" est plus connu en Allemagne mais voici un article du Soir :


Bousval - Du Molière au fond des bois, chez les van der Linden d'Hooghvorst, au castel de Pallandt

Théâtre en plein air au château


Page 14

Samedi 12 juillet 2003

* « L'avare » sera joué dans la cour du château de Pallandt. L'occasion de découvrir un castel historique incarné par une famille qui ne l'est pas moins.


On attendait le château de Pallandt au programme des Journées du patrimoine, on l'aura dans le cadre de la tournée du Théâtre au château. Le public pourra découvrir son parc (4 hectares) et sa cour à l'occasion de la tournée de la Compagnie des Galeries qui nous y présentera « L'avare » de Molière, le 10 août (voir repères).

La façade du castel et son balcon serviront de décors naturels à la pièce. Voici l'occasion de découvrir un lieu blotti au fin fond des bois de Bousval. Un lieu chargé d'histoire pour une famille qui ne l'est pas moins.

J'accuse Léon Degrelle. C'est un mégalomane et un « kripto-nazi »... Dès 1936, le fils du bourgmestre châtelain de Bousval avait vu juste. Il signait un pamphlet qui lui occasionna une renommée éphémère, des lettres d'injures toutes anonymes, peu de lettres de soutien et les félicitations du ministre Pierlot.

Quelle famille que ces d'Hooghvorst ! Van der Linden d'Hooghvorst pour être précis. L'arrière-grand-père du châtelain actuel, le baron Edmond (né en 1944), fut député bourgmestre de Resteigne; son grand-père fut bourgmestre de Bousval et son père un antirexiste qui connut la prison à plusieurs reprises durant la seconde guerre mondiale. Mais la gloire de la famille, outre Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst, célèbre membre du gouvernement provisoire (1830), ce fut la grand-mère du bourgmestre de Bousval, Emilie van der Linden d'Hooghvorst, née d'Oultremont (1818-1878). Et, pour cause, ses « vertus héroïques » ont été reconnues et elle a été béatifiée (1997) en grande pompe par le pape Jean-Paul II.

Autant dire que le châtelain de Bousval se déplaça pour la circonstance à la basilique Saint-Pierre de Rome sur laquelle avait été apposée une bannière représentant son arrière-arrière- grand-mère. Cette dernière avait fondé en 1857, la Congrégation des soeurs de Marie Réparatrice qui compte aujourd'hui 1.400 religieuses de par le monde dont une trentaine établies à Villers-la-Ville.

Pallandt est une ancienne seigneurie (attestée au XIIe siècle), dont le nom primitif était «Wez». Le château est dans ma famille (par les femmes) depuis 400 ans, explique le baron d'Hooghvorst. Il passa par héritage à travers diverses familles (dont les Pallandt qui l'occupèrent un demi-siècle) pour aboutir via les Wal d'Anthisnes aux d'Hooghvorst. Le premier du nom qui y a vraiment habité fut mon grand-père Victor, bourgmestre de Bousval de son état. Il y résida entre 1890 et 1942, date de son décès. C'est lui qui restaura le castel en 1906-1908 en lui donnant la physionomie que nous lui connaissons aujourd'hui. A savoir son toit à la Mansart. Le parc fut réaménagé à la française avec terrasses, escaliers, orangerie, allée de tilleuls.

A l'époque, le château trônait au sein d'une propriété de plus ou moins 150 ha rien que sur Bousval. Abandonné au début des années soixante, le château fut repris en main par l'actuel châtelain (le petit-fils du bourgmestre) qui s'y installa en 1968 .

Nous avons essayé de maintenir la propriété en l'état (surtout les bois). Rien n'a été loti. Nous avons tout gardé comme avant. Aujourd'hui, les enfants du châtelain sont mariés. Mais à la différence de ce vieil avare de Harpagon qui avait prévu pour ses enfants des mariages d'intérêt avec des vieillards cacochymes, le châtelain baron de Pallandt confirme que ses enfants ont eux contracté des mariages d'amour avec des personnes de leur âge.

Toute ressemblance avec la pièce de Molière est donc purement fortuite.·


Quoi ? « L'Avare » de Molière par la Compagnie des Galeries.

Quand ? Le dimanche 10 août à 21 h. Site ouvert dès 20 h.

Où ? Château de Pallandt, rue Bois des Conins 15 à Bousval.

Parking. Gratuit dans un pré à côté du château.

Prix. 12 euros en prévente et 15 euros le jour même. Tickets en vente au SI de Genappe, rue de Bruxelles 14 (067-77. 23. 43).

Renseignements. 02- 513.39.60. De 9 à 17 h du lundi au vendredi ou Vincent Girboux (067-77.23.43).


Si la réflexion de la mère de Latinus est authentique, cela impliquerait la famille d'Hooghvorst qui est des plus honorables et dont la religiosité ne fait aucun doute ...

Cela rejoint cependant d'autres suspects qui ont un profil semblable :

Guy Weber, compagnon d'armes du comte Yves du Monceau de Bergendal au sein de la brigade Piron. Le comte est le beau-frère de Nicolas de Kerckhove d'Ousselghem. Ce dernier est très proche de Robert Close et est un collaborateur de Jean Gol ...

Notons la proximité de profils étrangers tels que : Lemnitzer, Haig, Douglas MacArthur II (liens avec la secte Moon)

Cette hypothèse ne tient la route que dans le cadre de la guerre froide car les personnes citées sont d'un anti-communisme total ("on était en guerre") au point d'envisager la mort de compatriotes (ce qui est prouvé au moins pour Lemnitzer) ... malgré un comportement "exemplaire" lors de la seconde guerre mondiale.

Notons enfin que ce profil est proche de celui du baron de Bonvoisin, qui n'a pas hésité à faire fabriquer des faux documents pour accuser de communisme ceux qui s'opposaient à lui ...

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyJeu 26 Jan 2012 - 15:07

Une biographie d'Alexander Haig (en anglais) est sur :


On peut aussi faire une recherche sur

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyJeu 26 Jan 2012 - 16:20

Michel a mis sur le site la traduction de l'interview de Lammers par Guy Bouten (reprise dans son livre).

Je cite :

Paul (Latinus) se considérait comme un agent secret qui devait rassembler des informations pour l’armée américaine. Sa maman m’a raconté une fois que Paul avait de bons contacts avec le général Haig qu’il admirait beaucoup et qu’il visitait régulièrement la Moonsecte. Mais je n’ai jamais vu d’Américains.

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyLun 20 Fév 2012 - 13:47

A voir aussi, sur Alexander Haig :


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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyLun 20 Fév 2012 - 14:13

Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy

Par Philip Willan

(...) There is much evidence that Gelli, like numerous of his P2 colleagues, enjoyed the complete confidence of the United States intelligence establishment. He attended the inaugural ceremonies of Presidents Ford, Carter and Reagan, and was, as General Giuseppe Santovito, head of military intelligence in the late 1970s and a fellow lodge member, told the P2 commission, "the only Italian invited to Reagan's inaugural lunch". According to his own account, he was seated in the front row for at least two of the ceremonies. There is not a great deal of information available, however, as to who Gelli's contacts in the United states were. One of them was Philip Guarino, an Italo-American ex-priest who in 1979 was director of the Senior Citizens Division of the Republican Party National Committee, and who had been introduced to Gelli by Michele Sindona. In a letter to Guarino dated 28 August 1979, Gelli wrote : "I would also like you to let me know as urgently as possible whether the candidate you support is General Alexander Haig : as you know, we are able to help both through the Italian press, to influence Italo-Americans and Italians resident in your country, and through
other channels, as well as economically.

(...) A spokesman at the US embassy in Rome told me that the subject was "too delicate" when I requested "information on contacts between Licio Gelli and the US government or US individuals", in 1988.

Gelli's collaboration with American intelligence, as we have seen, dates back to the end of the war, when he worked for the Counter Intelligence Corps of the US Fifth Army.


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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyMer 22 Fév 2012 - 6:25

Sur un site internet de la secte Moon :


il est question de Alexander Haig et de Douglas MacArthur II ...

Commentant ces activités, l'ambassadeur Douglas MacArthur II a fait remarquer :

Au fil des années, j'ai été fasciné par la vie du Révérend Moon, consacrée non seulement à l'aspect doctrinal et théologique de la religion, mais aussi à des activités pratiques touchant à la renaissance de l'esprit de l'homme. Il sait nous redonner espoir, sans utiliser de méthodes autoritaires, en proposant des projets qui sont autant d'applications pratiques de la coopération de la fraternité et de l'unité.>>

"Nous devons travailler ensemble en tant que nations de telle sorte que l'on dise de nous : ils ont préparé un monde futur qui a compensé par sa justice les souffrances du passé. Cela doit être le but de la Fédération Internationale pour le Paix Mondiale." Général Alexander HAIG, ancien Secrétaire d'Etat américain.
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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyMar 20 Mar 2012 - 12:33


Robert L. Schweitzer, General And Security Staff Adviser, 72

Published: September 19, 2000

Robert L. Schweitzer, a retired Army general who was ousted from his post at the National Security Council in 1981 after warning of a ''drift toward war'' with the Soviet Union, died on Saturday at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington. He was 72.

General Schweitzer, who lived in Springfield, Va., had suffered from cancer, his family said.

On Oct. 19, 1981, when he was a major general, he addressed a convention of the Association of the United States Army in Washington and took part in a discussion afterward. The meeting of military officers and others was open to reporters, and the association had advertised it.

So some eyebrows went up when General Schweitzer, the highest military adviser to the National Security Council staff, declared that the Soviet Union had nuclear superiority in all three legs of the strategic triad: long-range bombers, land-based missiles and missiles launched from submarines.

''The Soviets are on the move, they are going to strike,'' the general said, warning that the country was in ''the greatest danger that the republic has ever faced since its founding days.''

His remarks were unauthorized, and went well beyond the views of President Ronald Reagan, who himself took a hard stance toward the Soviets. A spokesman for Mr. Reagan immediately described the general's remarks as ''off the wall.'' The president quickly said that the military buildup he was proposing was meant to prevent a drift toward war.

The general was reassigned to the Pentagon the morning after his remarks. But a week later, President Reagan, Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger and other high-ranking officials attended a farewell ceremony in the Oval Office and spoke warmly of him.

General Schweitzer took his change of assignment like a good soldier. ''I'm neither a rebel nor a crusader,'' he commented in an interview. ''I was asked to give a strategic assessment. And I gave one.''

But he expressed regret over the controversy his remarks had caused and added, ''Civilian leadership is a tradition that this nation has.''

At the Pentagon, he was promoted to lieutenant general, served in various capacities and retired in 1987.

As a major and lieutenant colonel in the 1960's, Robert Schweitzer served several tours in Vietnam, winning the Distinguished Service Cross; two Distinguished Service Medals; three Silver Stars; and several other decorations. He received seven Purple Hearts for wounds in action.

A native of Chicago, he graduated from the University of Maryland, received master's degrees from Georgetown University and the Army Command and Staff College and was a fellow of Harvard's Center for International Affairs.

His first marriage ended in divorce. He is survived by his wife, Marie; four sons and a daughter from his first marriage: James, of Omaha, Neil, of Indiana, Joe, of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., Marty, of Fort Monroe, Va., and Kathy, of Manassas, Va.; two sisters, Mary Nolan and Ruth Schweitzer, both of Chicago; and three grandchildren. A son, Michael, died in 1973.


Robert L. Schweitzer; Army, Pentagon Official Earned Many Honors


September 19, 2000

Robert L. Schweitzer, 72, retired Army lieutenant general who was an executive at the Pentagon and on the National Security Council. Schweitzer led troops in combat in the 1960s during six tours in Vietnam, where his assignments included that of deputy commander of a cavalry regiment.

He earned the Distinguished Service Cross, two Distinguished Service Medals, three Silver Stars, two Legion of Merit awards and the Distinguished Flying Cross. He also held four Bronze Stars for valor, seven Purple Hearts, 21 Air Medals, two Army Commendation Medals, the Soldiers Medal and the Defense Superior Service Medal.

During his 36-year Army career, Schweitzer held high strategic planning posts at the Pentagon and was policy branch chief at NATO headquarters under Army Gen. Alexander Haig. He served under Haig on the National Security Council when Henry Kissinger was the national security advisor. He served a second stint on the council during the Reagan administration in 1981, as defense group director and the council's top military officer. But he was dismissed that October after giving a speech to the Assn. of the U.S. Army convention that administration officials said was "at some degree of variance" with President Ronald Reagan's views. He chaired the Inter-American Defense Board from 1982 until retiring from the Army in 1987. A native of Chicago, Schweitzer earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Maryland and master's degrees from Georgetown University and the Army Command and Staff College. On Saturday in Washington, D.C., of cancer.


... over the United States, were ''on the move'' and were ''going to strike.'' The White House disavowed the comments by Maj. Gen. Robert L. Schweitzer, .
October 21, 1981 - By DAVID SHRIBMAN, Special to the New York Times

.The World in Summary;
Robert L. Schweitzer, a White House aide who was dismissed for speaking out of turn, and former Vice President Walter F. Mondale both concluded last week ...
October 25, 1981 - By Milt Freudenheim and Barbara Slavin

.Brzezinski, in Algiers for Anniversary, Plans Assurance on Sahara ...
He heads a large delegation including Maj. Gen. Robert L. Schweitzer, Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Operations, and some politicians from Florida.
November 1, 1979

Robert L. Schweitzer, who told the Association of the United States Army that the Soviet military buildup was producing a ''drift toward war.
October 21, 1981 - By DAVID SHRIBMAN, Special to the New York Times - National Desk



Learn about the necessity for military strength from Lt. Gen. Robert L. Schweitzer.
.Run Time: 30min.




By SUSAN F. RASKY, Special to the New York Times
Published: February 23, 1987


Lieut. Col. Oliver L. North


Two American military officers, Col. Nestor Pino-Maria and Lieut. Gen. Robert L. Schweitzer, eventually testified on General Bueso's behalf at the sentencing hearing last July, but said they were doing so as individuals rather than representatives of the United States Government.

General Schweitzer, who retired in September, said he testified because the general had been helpful to the United States in national security matters and could continue to be so if allowed to return to Honduras.


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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyMar 20 Mar 2012 - 14:51

Cela vaut d'autant plus la peine de s'intéresser à Robert L. Schweitzer qu'il est très proche de Singlaub (WACL) : "In 1986, as the Iran-Contra arms scandal was breaking, Schweitzer retired from active service and joined Singlaub in The Enterprise network."

C'est aussi lui qui a engagé Oliver North pour les opérations Iran-Contra

" Schweitzer recruited Oliver North for Reagan's NSC "

Il aurait aussi été en fonction au SHAPE en Belgique.



_ _ _

Par ailleurs, quand on parle de "false flag" :



A preliminary estimate on terrorism by Bruce Clark, director of the CIA's National Foreign Assessments Center (NFAC), was rejected by Casey and sent back for revisions because "it did not support Mr. Haig's assertions" and, in fact, suggested that there was no such thing as "international terrorism," only scattered groups with their own agendas, which for the most part were not connected with the Soviet Union. Shortly thereafter, Casey rejected a DIA study of terrorism which, like its CIA counterpart, had failed to find evidence of Soviet direction and substantial support.

Casey, like Haig, had been impressed by Claire Sterling's findings of a centrally controlled Soviet network, unaware, along with Haig, that the core evidence in Sterling's work rested on CIA disinfor¬mation "blown back" to the U.S public, and to Casey and Haig, via Sterling. Bob Woodward reports that a senior review panel, appointed by Casey to assess CIA estimates of Soviet involvement in terrorism, discovered that Sterling had relayed a story that "was part of an old, small-scale CIA covert propaganda operation. . . . Gordon [Lincoln Gordon, chairman of the review panel] found the sequence particularly telling: from CIA propaganda to Sterling's book galleys, to Haig's reading of the galleys, to Haig's press conference, then Haig's comments picked up in the New York Times article by Sterling, then finally in Sterling's book."28 Intelligence analyst Gregory Trev¬erton contends that the CIA analysts assigned the task of checkin~ out Sterling's sources found that "virtually all of them were CIA disinformation - articles planted by covert operators in various media. "29


At this juncture we want to stress the international linkages and solidarity of the Western governments in their concern with terrorism. This is of special interest because many of the governmental participants and their individual agents are themselves notorious terrorists. We will see that the Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church and its subsidiary organization, the Confederation of Associations for the Unification of the Americas (CAUSA), and the closely affiliated World Anti-Communist League (WACL), which are sponsored by and are sponsors of terrorist governments, organizations, and individuals, have numerous interlocks and other relationships with the U .S. and Israeli institutes and experts of the terrorism industry.


After the fascist military putsch in Bolivia in July 1980, one of the first foreign "dignitaries" to arrive with greetings for the newly installed president, General Garda Meza, was CAUSA's Bo Hi Pak. Nine months after the coup, on May 31, 1981, CAUSA held a celebratory conference in La Paz's Sheraton Hotel where Pak declared that God had chosen Bolivia as the nation destined to "conquer communism" in Latin America. In 1983, after the ouster of Garda Meza, the Bolivian Ministry of the Interior claimed that the Unification Church had contributed $4 million to help plan and execute the coup. The church's representative in Bolivia, Tom Ward, had maintained close and ongoing ties to Klaus Barbie, and served as a middleman for CIA payments to an Argentinian intelligence agent named Alfredo Mingolla in 1981.38

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyMer 21 Mar 2012 - 21:33

Sur le schéma de Latinus, on trouve " IRIS " près de son nom ...


IRIS : International Reporting Information System. Denktank, opgericht in 1981, met hoofdkwartier in Rotterdam, en samengesteld uit topfiguren van de internationale politiek zoals de Amerikaan Kissinger, de Britse expremier Heath en generaal Haig.



The Multinational Monitor



IRIS: Global bankers, diplomats, spies and a computer launch a private CIA

by Philip Brooks in Paris


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MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyMer 25 Avr 2012 - 20:04

Pour information :


The Secret History of Gen. Alexander Haig

By Mel Goodman on February 27, 2010 at 12:30 PM in Current Affairs

Editor’s Note: Republished from Truthout.org with the express permission of Mel Goodman, whose bio is at the end of this post.

The obituaries in the mainstream media failed to capture the full extent of the controversy and confrontation that marked Gen. Alexander M. Haig’s political career in the White House during the Nixon administration and the State Department during the Reagan administration. In his memoir, Henry A. Kissinger praised Haig’s role in 1973-1974 in "holding the government together" in the final days of the Nixon era. Kissinger was respectful of Haig because the general allowed the national security adviser to do as he pleased in his stewardship of foreign and national security policy.

Haig’s hands-off attitude allowed Kissinger to unnecessarily and dangerously raise the nuclear alert status to Defense Condition III for the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis in an effort to deter the Soviets from any military intervention in the last days of the October War of 1973. But there was no Soviet intention to intervene, and our European allies – let alone Moscow – were particularly upset with the nuclear alert. Several of our NATO allies, including Germany, Spain and Italy, limited US access to their bases as a result of DefCon-III. Neither Haig nor Kissinger ever explained their rationale for the heightened nuclear alert – although they promised to do so.

Gen. Haig never should have permitted Kissinger to chair a meeting of the National Security Council, let alone raise the nuclear alert status, without the presence of President Richard M. Nixon, who was indisposed at the time. The National Security Act of 1947 makes it clear that only the president or the vice president must run such a meeting or the president must issue a written authorization to make it clear who is going to run the meeting. The United States had no vice president at the time because Spiro Agnew had been forced to resign and Gerald Ford had not been confirmed. The meeting was held shortly before midnight on October 24, and Haig refused to awaken the sleeping president. The decision of Haig and Kissinger was reckless and could have had grave consequences.

Haig was a major player in the US failure to understand the role of international terrorism and to falsely blame the Soviet Union for the orchestration of terrorism. As the new secretary of state, Haig arrived at the State Department with strong anti-Soviet baggage, based in part on his belief that the Soviet Union was a primary source of support for international terrorism. There had been an attempt to assassinate Haig in Europe in June 1979, only four days before he stepped down as Supreme Allied Commander for Europe. The Soviets had nothing to do with the assassination attempt, but in his confirmation hearings on January 14, 1981, Haig charged the Soviets with orchestrating the attempt. On that same day, the Senate confirmed William Casey as director of the CIA by a vote of 95 to 0. From that point forward, Haig and Casey led an effort to portray Moscow as orchestrating terrorism "like a giant Wurlitzer organ."

Haig and Casey immediately conspired to produce a National Intelligence Estimate on international terrorism, knowing that they had a high-level supporter for their views, the incoming president, Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s campaign oratory against the Soviets regularly referred to "Soviet-trained terrorists who are bringing civil war to Central America," requiring a "stand against terrorism in the world." Haig and Casey believed that CIA political analysis was naive and unsophisticated, and wanted an estimate on terrorism for key policy-makers to demonstrate that a new era had begun at the CIA. The new National Intelligence Officer for the Soviet Union, Robert Gates, immediately became an advocate for Casey’s hard-line views, serving as Casey’s special assistant, deputy director for intelligence and deputy for central intelligence.

A senior intelligence official, the late Richard Lehman, who facetiously referred to policy-makers as "our masters," told a group of us responsible for the estimate that Casey and Haig have to be "let down, and that it is our job to let them down easily." We were well aware of the difficult bureaucratic task we faced, but we were also aware that there was no good evidence of Soviet support for international terrorism in Western Europe and the Middle East. What we didn’t know was that Haig and Casey had read Claire Sterling’s polemic on terrorism, "The Terror Network," and that no amount of factual information would disabuse them of their notions about Moscow and terror. Haig immediately appointed Michael Ledeen to his staff; Ledeen was Sterling’s collaborator on "The Terror Network." Haig, Casey and Gates used the accusations of Soviet responsibility for terrorism to block any possibility of improved relations with the Soviet Union. Fortunately, Haig’s successor, George Shultz, ignored these accusations.

The obituaries pointed out that President Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of Haig’s offer to resign his post as secretary of state was a shock to the general, but they failed to note the reason for Reagan’s acceptance. In his memoir, "Caveat: Realism, Reagan, and Foreign Policy," Haig claims that the United States sent the "strongest possible warnings" to Israel not to launch its war against Lebanon in 1982. There were no US warnings. In fact, Haig was one of a very few members of the Reagan administration to understand that the Israeli offensive was going to reach Beirut, the Lebanese capital, in violation of Israeli intentions not to threaten Arab capitals. As secretary of state, Haig was in a position to warn the Israelis against such a disastrous military adventure and its obvious consequences, but chose not to do so. Instead of issuing a "red light" against such a campaign, Haig merely issued a "yellow light" of caution regarding the clandestine arrangements between the Israelis and the Lebanese Maronite leaders. These arrangements led to the bloody conquest of Beirut, byzantine political alliances between Lebanese factions, the frustration and tragedy of the US Marine occupation, the Palestinian massacres at the Sabra and Shatila camps and the formation of Hezbollah. Lebanon has had no stability for the past three decades, and Israel continues to have a security problem on its northern frontier.

Haig’s role in all of these events – DefCon-III; the handling of international terrorism; and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon – had unintended consequences that harmed the interests of the United States and delayed the process of diplomacy and negotiation. Like many of the neoconservatives who dominated the administration of President George W. Bush, Haig placed too much reliance on the use and threat of military force and relegated diplomacy to a back burner. This militarization of American national security and foreign policies has harmed US interests and raised the hidden costs of US involvement in the Cold War.


Melvin A. Goodman, a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy and adjunct professor of government at Johns Hopkins University, spent 42 years with the CIA, the National War College, and the U.S. Army. His latest book is Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA. [This story originally appeared at Truthout.org.]

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyMer 25 Avr 2012 - 20:09

Voir aussi :


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MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyVen 11 Mai 2012 - 9:13

Un intéressant article sur Alexander HAIG


Haig's dirty tracks over U.S. policy

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyVen 11 Mai 2012 - 11:22

Une critique du livre suivant :

HAIG: The General's Progress

By Roger Morris


Alexander Haig's rapid rise from obscure army colonel to secretary of state has long been attributed to his proficiency at bureaucratic maneuvering--an impression that Morris, a former National Security Council aide and author of a book on Kissinger (Uncertain Greatness), does nothing to dispel. But he does add some nuances, along with lots of particulars (and the occasional gratuitous sneer). The son of a well-off lawyer who died at age 38, Haig grew up in an affluent Philadelphia suburb under the tutelage of his mother and his wealthy political-broker uncle. It was the uncle's influence that got Haig into Notre Dame, and later into West Point (which he had failed to make on his own). With World War II on, the West Point stint was shortened-with more emphasis than usual placed on field maneuvers, even less than usual on academic studies. Haig, in any case, placed two-thirds down in his class. After graduation, he joined the Occupation staff of General MacArthur--emerging from MacArthur's Korean fiasco with a few medals and new patrons. Morris, however, places the greatest emphasis, as a catalyst, on the transformation of the armed forces after Korea. The peacetime army, swollen with officers, adopted a new routine of promotions by specific steps--a stint at one or another War College, a few graduate courses in international relations or business administration, and other tasks designed to show versatility. Haig, playing the game, landed a routine Pentagon post which he held, asking no questions, until escalating American involvement gave him the chance to go to Vietnam.

There, the worst traits of the war facilitated his career-from the profligate awarding of medals to the use of massive air power to compensate for archaic ground tactics. (Morris, reviewing Haig's military exploits, shows that most of his medals were received for flying around in combat zones, while his troops escaped annihilation only because the planes were there to bail them out.) He was a West Point instructor, ironically, when Kissinger selected him as an intelligence briefer for the NSC: his very deficiencies, say Morris, eliminated him as a potential rival. But Haig outlasted better-qualified colleagues--he stoically took Kissinger's abuse, while others quit-and wound up as the Council's number two man. And precisely those qualities of Haig's that Kissinger both despised and needed--the unreflective paper-channeling that led Kissinger to label him a robot--endeared Haig to Nixon. From published sources and logical inferences, Morris argues that Haig aided Kissinger in wiretapping his colleagues; that he coordinated assassination plots against Chilean president Allende; and that he knew of the existence, at least, of the Plumbers. When Nixon rewarded Haig by promoting him to general (over 240 senior officers) and took him into the White House as chief of staff, Haig responded by challenging Kissinger--with whom, Morris suggests, he managed the October 1973 worldwide alert (while Nixon was drunk upstairs), in direct violation of the Constitution. Ultimately, he acted as go-between to win Nixon a pardon from Jerry Ford. And, when Kissinger opposed his subsequent appointment as head of allied forces in Europe, he threatened to disclose the taping of NSC staff. Morris then recounts Haig's efforts to win the Republican presidential nomination--but falls short on exactly how Haig wound up as secretary of state, claiming lack of sources. As for the gaffes and policy blunders, they're explained by Haig's abysmal education and lack of substantive knowledge of foreign affairs. At times venomous and repetitive--but a fascinating/unsavory account of an officer-on-the-make.

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Date d'inscription : 15/02/2009

Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyVen 11 Mai 2012 - 12:07

Haigs dirty tricks
il faut chercher plus a droite pour trouvé l'article de herve:

picture to txt not checked conversion :

Citation :
Special to the Los Angeles Times
A specter hangs over the Iran-Contras affair,
a familiar apparition of gravel voice and craggy
good looks whose haunting significance in the
scandal has scarcely been noticed. The ghost in
the Reagan rafters is Alexander Meigs Haig Jr.
— one-time National Security Council staff
deputy to Henry A. Kissinger, White House chief
of staff for Richard M. Nixon and, in 1981-82,
Ronald Reagan's first secretary of state.
Haig apparently played no direct role in the
seamy sale of weapons to the Iranians and the
raking off of the deal's excess profits to arm the
Nicaraguan rebels. Having resigned from the
administration in a huff more than four years
ago after a stormy tenure in the State Depart-
ment, he is busily running for the GOP presi-
dential nomination in 1988 and solemnly deplor-
ing what he calls a lack of foreign-policy
Yet to look beneath the public surface of the
scandal is to find Haig as an early co-conspirator
at almost every turn. The outspoken, ever-
ambitious general accounts for much of the
personnel, the bureaucratic style and the dubi-
ous policy behind the debacle. Understanding
the connection ought to raise questions not only
about Haig's presidential candidacy but also
about the deeper history and meaning of the
unfolding crisis.
To begin with, Haig is the patron, in spirit and
in fact, of the can-do, tragically uninformed
military officers who have been at the center of
the Iran-contra imbroglio. In 1969-70, Al Haig
was another obscure military officer in the
bowels of the NSC. In rising shrewdly from
intelligence briefer and clerk to become Kiss-
inger's deputy and Nixon's favorite house
soldier, from colonel to four-star general, he
paved the way, made the White House West
Wing safe, for the military caste that has so
largely usurped civilian authority and domi-
nated the NSC's crucial advisory role ever since.
Haig brought Marine Col. Robert C.
McFarlane into the inner circle of Reagan's
foreign policy — first as counselor at the State
Department, then as NSC deputy. From there,
McFarlane Went on to be the president's
national-security adviser and an author and
emissary of the Iranian arms deal. McFarlane's
successor at the NSC, Vice Adm. John M.
Poindexter, was another shadow protege of the
general, with ties dating back to Poindexter's
tenure in the Pentagon during the Nixon years,
and Haig's still unexcavated role with the White
House Plumbers.
Even the ubiquitous U. Col. Oliver L. North
owes his now-tarnished celebrity in part to Haig,
whose ally and confidant. Navy Secretary John
Lehman, snatched the zealous North out of
Marine staff obscurity in 1981 and arranged his
assignment to the NSC staff. Not least, there is a
key civilian in the story, Georgetown academic
Michael Ledeen, who played a crucial and
yet-to-be-explored role in the disastrous
overtures to Tehran. Ledeen first came into the
drama under the cachet of — you guessed it —
Alexander Haig.
Haig's influence hardly stops with the new
old-boy network of former cadets running the
Reagan foreign policy, important as that society
has become in Washington. The very style of the
scandal is vintage Haig as well. If there were
ever a prototype for the escapades of Ollie
North, it was Alexander Haig in the 1970s,1
sallying forth from the NSC to help select targets
for the bombing of Cambodia, dispense military
aid and other largess to foreign governments,;
and alternately mollify or bully troublesome
clients like South Vietnam's President Nguyen
Van Thieu.
Meanwhile, back in this hemisphere, it was
Haig who at the outset formed and fixed the
administration's obsessive hostility to the San-
dinistas and the Salvadoran rebels, instigating
the CIA proxy wars that the Iranian arms deal
wax to bankroll.
The redoubtable general did not open the
Swiss bank accounts himself, did not dicker with
the xenophobic priests in Tehran, did not
somehow coerce all his former colleagues into
the folly and scofflaw habits that they practiced
so ardently after his departure. But his
belligerent, cynical view of the world, his
methods of government, his mien of shared
anger and ignorance are strewn about the
landscape of Reagan's calamity. The congres-
sional investigative committees will be missing
much of the point of it all if they do not summon
the general-candidate as well as his acolytes. He
was, after all, as he once proclaimed, the
president's vicar in foreign policy.
(Roger Morris worked on the senior staff of the
National Security Council under presidents
Johnson and Nixon, and Is the author of books on
Henry A. Kissinger and Alexander M. Haig Jr.)

si au moin on avait un foto de lat et Haig

pe il l'a rencontrer ds ce fameux manoeuvre ou il a rencontré des amerloc vers 1978-9

après 1983 il etait fini donc
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Date d'inscription : 08/12/2009

Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyVen 11 Mai 2012 - 13:17

@ K : pouvez-vous en dire plus sur ces manoeuvres ?
Vous aviez aussi parlé de Pallandt... http://www.chateau-de-pallandt.be/ ???
Haig était aussi important dans la secte Moon, qui a rencontré des représentants du WNP...

En tout cas, en ce qui concerne Haig - Gelli :


Licio Gelli - A Meeting With Alexander Haig and Henry Kissinger




(...) Licio Gelli cultive non seulement le paradoxe, mais aussi le secret. En 1963, il fait son entrée dans une loge maçonnique du Grand Orient, section italienne. Petit à petit, il en deviendra le membre le plus influent, jusqu’à s’autoproclamer le Grand Maître de ce qui deviendra la loge Raggruppamento Gelli-PropagandaDue, P-2 pour les intimes. La P-2 comptera plus de mille membres dans ses rangs, dont certains députés et ministres italiens, mais aussi de hauts gradés de l’armée et des services secrets italiens, ainsi que des membres de la haute finance et de l’industrie médiatique. Michele Sindona, Roberto Calvi et le comte Umberto Ortolani en étaient membres, tout comme Sylvio Berlusconi d’ailleurs. Georges Bush père et Alexander Haig, le chef du personnel (sic ???) de la Maison-Blanche sous Reagan, en étaient membres honoraires.


Entre 1971 et 1974, l’Italie sera témoin de trois tentatives de coups d’État – pas moins –, auxquels des membres de la P-2 participeront. Celui de 1974 sera même soutenu directement par la CIA et l’OTAN. Puis en 1972, coup de théâtre : le Parti communiste italien obtient 27 % des suffrages, 34,4 % quatre ans plus tard. La droite italienne est sous le choc. En arrière-scène, on demande à Gladio d’intensifier les attentats en faisant porter le blâme sur la gauche pour la raison évidente de la discréditer dans l’opinion publique. Dans cette entreprise, le soutien américain sera corroboré par Alexander Haig lors d’une rencontre avec Gelli en 1974 à l’ambassade américaine à Rome. Haig, avec la bénédiction du secrétaire à la Sécurité nationale, Henry Kissinger, réitérera la volonté américaine de soutenir l’Opération Gladio.

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Alexander HAIG - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Alexander HAIG   Alexander HAIG - Page 2 EmptyVen 11 Mai 2012 - 13:24


On January 28, 1981, Alexander Haig, the new Secretary of State,
announced at a news conference that Russia was trying to “foster, support,
and expand” terrorist activity worldwide through the “training, funding, and
equipping” of terrorist armies. “International terrorism will take the place of
human rights” as the major focus of the Reagan Administration.

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