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 les avions renifleurs

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Nombre de messages : 8603
Date d'inscription : 15/02/2009

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MessageSujet: les avions renifleurs   les avions renifleurs EmptyVen 19 Fév 2010 - 20:24

thanks to Jo 001:

Citation :
The most promising avenue for investigation to understand the

coup plots and strategy of tension in Belgium in the 1970s and 1980s lies no doubt

in exploring contacts between Aginter Press and the AESP. It is significant that

Damman, Lecerf and Guérin-Sérac met only two years before Lecerf's NEM made its

first appeal for a coup d'état - at the beginning of its long and close relationship with

de Bonvoisin and VdB. Belgian justice has been notably timid in its investigations,

and a full exposure of those behind these events will probably never come, but as

one of the top police investigators working on the Brabant killings said about the

sniffer plane scandal:

"If you're looking for the motives behind the killings in the Brabant, start by

understanding the motives behind that gigantic swindle" (390).

(“Rogue Agents, the Cercle Pinay complex 1951-1991” ; David Teacher)

from: http://www.isgp.eu

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